April 2nd Spring Scrimmage, Recruit Attendees

Zbrod was good.... does anyone know what happened??? I can't imagine why he would be kicked.

One of the leftist on here probably got there feelings hurt and cried to the mods

Take the BS politics to the WEZ!

Welp, there you have it folks, QP is the cry baby

No, there is time and place for everything, if you're a reasonable person. Passing gas is a normal physiological behavior but you don't do it at the dinner table.

So, ZBrod passed gas at dinner? Whew!

Jw410 & Southcane = Hillary voters


Lmao.. here that **** goes talking about who I'm voting for.. Lol on a football board....
typical.. Not your corny political agendas

Ps. Not voting for her
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