Appeal Deal

if true and we owe no further reductions in scholarships, then this was handled PERFECTLY by Shalala, James, and Golden. If we truly held back the knowledge of withholding scholarships, that was the smartest thing in the world to do. By telling the NCAA we had held back ten or so like claimed, the NCAA would have probably taken away additional scholarships because then there would be literally nothing enforced today. By telling afterwards, James was perfect in safeguarding the future and his pre-emptiveness seems to have saved 9 scholarships and gotten the University out of its worse period in decades (maybe ever depending on peoples views of mid 90's)

Flawless victory from Shalala and Co!


Could it be? Could she really be the godfather?

My offer is this. NOTHING.

I pledge my loyalty to you Don Shalala Corleone....

Can we have her walk out to the field on Saturday to the theme of the Godfather

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FWIW, 2 tweets from Tim Reynolds on this topic:

1) Info still coming. Person familiar with COI's work says it would be a surprise if Miami's scholarship reductions "change things much."

2) Source continues: "I would be very surprised if anything made it go below six (scholarships) over three (years)." Time shall tell.
Either way, it's good roster management just in case.

If they say no, we can take some extra EE this year to count towards last class I assume.
how about glazer? i'm pretty sure the attorney was the one that was driving this strategy, since he is the one that is probably the most familiar with the NCAA's rules and regulations.
I think the U was thinking 12 or 15 was likely and we sefl-reducing to get ready for it. Then it's hand got stronger and went to mat with NCAA and got it to 9 with public announcement without mentioned of "already" done, so it looked like they extra punishment. Probably backroom agreement to accept the self imposed one. I think we are done.
FWIW, 2 tweets from Tim Reynolds on this topic:

1) Info still coming. Person familiar with COI's work says it would be a surprise if Miami's scholarship reductions "change things much."

2) Source continues: "I would be very surprised if anything made it go below six (scholarships) over three (years)." Time shall tell.

Anything? Maybe like self-imposing more reductions than the COI imposed? How does the NCAA not account for self-imposed sanctions if it wants schools to do so in the future? This shouldn't be about inflicting more pain. The COI handed down a sentence. If we've self-imposed the equivalent punishment (or more), it should be game over.