Appeal Deal


Nov 4, 2011
Now some of the past things are making sense. NCAA HAD to give us something. Three for three. But recently Kosar said we'd foregone scholarships and visits, but the University was quick - a bit too quick - to deny this.

Now I believe at one time Golden suggested they were forgoing scholarships and recruiting visits.

Donna didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

The game is, "LET'S MAKE A DEAL."

The deal was, three for three. KNOWING that the U had already met that criteria. Self-imposed scholarships/visits.

Both sides knew three for three had to be publicly declared, and both sides knew the U had already self-imposed.

So they likely agreed to approve any 'appeal.'

The NCAA wins - they punished us, and the U wins as we already met that punishment.
Here is the quote from the AD's press conference outlining what UM will do.

The loss of nine football scholarships over the next three years might not hurt Al Golden’s Miami football program as harshly as the NCAA may have intended. *

It was not detailed in the NCAA report, but Miami athletic director Blake James said Tuesday that the football program has self-imposed scholarship reductions over the last two seasons. While James declined to say how many scholarships Miami football withheld the past two seasons, UM trustee and former Miami quarterback Bernie Kosar alleged in August that it was 10.*

UM denied that allegation.*

If Miami has limited its number of scholarships by a total of 10 over the last two years, the NCAA’s sanctions would be lighter than Miami’s self-imposed scholarship restrictions.*

Blake declined to say if the nine scholarships the NCAA has docked Miami have already been accounted for in the self-sanctions.*

“I’m not saying we’re taking nine scholarship reductions,” Blake said. “We’ve internally taken some scholarship reductions in football, recognizing the situation, and we’ll communicate that to the NCAA and see how they view that in terms of what our sanctions are.”

James said the NCAA's scholarship reductions will be applied at Golden’s discretion.

“We did some things internally. Those are things that were communicated to Coach Golden [and] he was in support of,” Blake told the Sun Sentinel Tuesday afternoon. “We all recognize the situation that we were dealing with and thought that was what was best. We will talk to the NCAA about what had been done here internally, even though it hadn’t been communicated and obviously, however that goes, we recognize and accept that we have nine scholarships that we need to account for.”
See what I mean?

A deal was made, both sides win as of today. UM paid in full all NCAA sanctions, and the three announced today are already in the sack as well.

We had this, months ago. Now, the NCAA just has to meet its end of the bargain, and approve the self-imposed scholarship reductions.
I get what you are saying. But was the long drawn out decision period just posturing?
I get what you are saying. But was the long drawn out decision period just posturing?

In deal-making, you can have a deal, but it's not 'finalized,' until it's finalized.

I think this way it was done enabled the NCAA to save face somewhat, and simultaneously, will enable Miami to get time served - which has been extensive. all of that planning on pre-emptive striking was partially the reason we were scrambling and betting on certain asshat recruits that eventually switched. That is why Golden asked for Kirkland's commit right away. This **** was on lock LAST YEAR as far as what we needed to do. The Miami leadership played this to a T, and ******* won.

Next stop......greatness.
if true and we owe no further reductions in scholarships, then this was handled PERFECTLY by Shalala, James, and Golden. If we truly held back the knowledge of withholding scholarships, that was the smartest thing in the world to do. By telling the NCAA we had held back ten or so like claimed, the NCAA would have probably taken away additional scholarships because then there would be literally nothing enforced today. By telling afterwards, James was perfect in safeguarding the future and his pre-emptiveness seems to have saved 9 scholarships and gotten the University out of its worse period in decades (maybe ever depending on peoples views of mid 90's)
if true and we owe no further reductions in scholarships, then this was handled PERFECTLY by Shalala, James, and Golden. If we truly held back the knowledge of withholding scholarships, that was the smartest thing in the world to do. By telling the NCAA we had held back ten or so like claimed, the NCAA would have probably taken away additional scholarships because then there would be literally nothing enforced today. By telling afterwards, James was perfect in safeguarding the future and his pre-emptiveness seems to have saved 9 scholarships and gotten the University out of its worse period in decades (maybe ever depending on peoples views of mid 90's)


That's why the University was so quick to deny the statements of Kosar.

They still had another bullet in the gun.
if true and we owe no further reductions in scholarships, then this was handled PERFECTLY by Shalala, James, and Golden. If we truly held back the knowledge of withholding scholarships, that was the smartest thing in the world to do. By telling the NCAA we had held back ten or so like claimed, the NCAA would have probably taken away additional scholarships because then there would be literally nothing enforced today. By telling afterwards, James was perfect in safeguarding the future and his pre-emptiveness seems to have saved 9 scholarships and gotten the University out of its worse period in decades (maybe ever depending on peoples views of mid 90's)


That's why the University was so quick to deny the statements of Kosar.

They still had another bullet in the gun.

Yep. And I believe all of this is done in co-ordinance with the NCAA. No way we risk self imposing PLUS NCAA punishment unless we know for sure the NCAA will accept our self imposed 9 (or 10, whatever it may be)
After our carousel of ADs over the past few years, I'm glad that James Blake is now in place there. Thank the stars for him, Donna Shalala, and Golden. And btw, I know he fervently denied any participation, but I'd be floored if Golden didn't have a hand/input into how this went down ultimately throughout the process. He's way too detail-oriented to not force the issue.

After our carousel of ADs over the past few years, I'm glad that James Blake is now in place there. Thank the stars for him, Donna Shalala, and Golden. And btw, I know he fervently denied any participation, but I'd be floored if Golden didn't have a hand/input into how this went down ultimately throughout the process. He's way too detail-oriented to not force the issue.
I don't think Golden was involved until the NOA (investigation completed). At that point UM would have pretty much known how many of the allegations were provable and what the likely sanctions would be. That would be the time to bring Golden in.

Just a guess.
Of course he wouldn't be involved before then. All these allegations happened pre-Golden. I mean in terms of how the hearings were approached and handled. Plus I think he had input into what we proposed in terms of what to hold back. Not saying it's all him, but I'd be shocked if he didn't have his hand in there as well.
Here's the money quote from Parano's linked story:

Blake declined to say if the nine scholarships the NCAA has docked Miami have already been accounted for in the self-sanctions.*

“I’m not saying we’re taking nine scholarship reductions,” Blake said. “We’ve internally taken some scholarship reductions in football, recognizing the situation, and we’ll communicate that to the NCAA and see how they view that in terms of what our sanctions are.”

Here's the money quote from Parano's linked story:

Blake declined to say if the nine scholarships the NCAA has docked Miami have already been accounted for in the self-sanctions.*

“I’m not saying we’re taking nine scholarship reductions,” Blake said. “We’ve internally taken some scholarship reductions in football, recognizing the situation, and we’ll communicate that to the NCAA and see how they view that in terms of what our sanctions are.”

See, this is what I'm talking about: "We will talk to the NCAA about what had been done here internally, even though it hadn't been communicated, and obviously, however that goes, we recognize and accept that we have nine scholarships we have to account for." Blake

The other point is that the NCAA intentionally left the nine scholarships up to the University, rather than stipulating three each of the three years.

Telling you, this was the deal made long ago.