What many people are trying to tell you is your style and timing all are terrible. Face it, folks dont like the posters who are ALWAYS negative. ALWAYS. Fact - live with it and stop trying to rationalize that you are the right ones!
That's just the thing--we're not always negative. We don't hesitate to point out when something sucks about the team for sake of fandom, though. We're never going to apologize or act like we're wrong for doing that...especially when the evidence is sitting right in front of us in the form of another Regional letdown.
So, I'm sorry your feelings are hurt, and that you don't like some of the posts that Antwan, myself, and others who are "negative" make. But in the words of Chopper Reid, "harden the fvck up".
Now - the debate about how to improve the program can start - which I certainly want and will discuss when the time is right - like now.
Well, you're late to the party because we've been discussing it for a while. But I'll bite--what's your beef with the program, and how do we fix it?