Let me preface this by saying that I am certainly not a data scientist & in fact much closer to a mouth breathing grunt than a desk jockey.
Certainly, you have a good point and by no means am I begging for the bizarro BCS computer büllshït we dealt with in 2000 ( insert goku raging spontaneous combustion gif here ).
It wouldn’t be an easy task ( for me ) to spell out, but some big brains could find a series of metrics that calculate key indicators while simultaneously leveraging concrete data like strength of schedule, w/l record, margin of victory vs fbs opponents ( I’m for tossing out all non fbs data within my fictional pie in the sky cfb / I’m also in favor of droid officiating fwiw )…
Then layering in the critical statistics that have proven to be the most indicative of success and failure. ( I could go on, but this is already too gasbaggy for my taste )
In the long run I feel data based analytics will help clarify the overall picture much better than a buncha biased old fuddy duddies pretending to be college football gate keepers that NO ONE asked for.