Anyone else worried about the article

Some of you guys keep killing the messenger and pretending like this isn't a big deal, you are absolutely delusional. You can rationalize it any way you want, but the bottom line is we are going to get hammered and it is going to be really bad. I suspect it will be worse than what USC got, but not as bad as Penn Sate. It won't be catastrophic, but it will be close.

I really wish someone would kill the messengers in the Herald & Yahoo, Sean Allen and Shapiro slowly and painfully.

Anybody catch this little gem in the middle of the article?

“The [NCAA] knows everything,” said Allen, who was questioned on three occasions for a total of 13 hours by the NCAA authorities, including in February and July of this year.
“I don’t think they can prove everything. But they know everything."

Over 2 years gone and NCAA is pi$$ed and waiting because they still don't have all the goods they want?
The one thing that I can't figure out surrounds Hernandez. Could the University be so messed up that they still have this guy on the payroll, or have they determined the allegations are bogus? I know most Alumni love Shalala, but she won't survive a finding of LOIC.

What would Shalala have to do with the atheletic department.

Is that a serious question?

Yes. Its not her job to make sure guys like Shaprio and PeeWee are running around passing out $100 bills here and there. Thats the AD and the coaches job.

As an alum, I'm more than happy with the job she's done with the school. And no way she gets fired over LOIC. She's done way too many good things for the school, one being raising its academic rankings to the highest they've ever been.
The one thing that I can't figure out surrounds Hernandez. Could the University be so messed up that they still have this guy on the payroll, or have they determined the allegations are bogus? I know most Alumni love Shalala, but she won't survive a finding of LOIC.

What would Shalala have to do with the atheletic department.

I think she's done a great job. Lately though she has has had a rough patch with this scandal and the problems with the hospital/medical school. If we get an "unprecedented" penalty, which is out there, then the buck stops at the top. My guess is she'd quietly be done within 6 months.

Is that a serious question?

Yes. Its not her job to make sure guys like Shaprio and PeeWee are running around passing out $100 bills here and there. Thats the AD and the coaches job.

As an alum, I'm more than happy with the job she's done with the school. And no way she gets fired over LOIC. She's done way too many good things for the school, one being raising its academic rankings to the highest they've ever been.

I think she's done a great job. Lately though she has has had a rough patch with this scandal and the problems with the hospital/medical school. If we get an unprecedented penalty, which is out there, then the buck stops at the top. My guess is she'd quietly be done within 6 months.
Our only hope is that the NCAA realizes that dropping the hammer would destroy the program for good and decides to have mercy on us. My fear is that a lot of the traditionalists have wanted us gone for a long time and will take this opportunity to bury Miami.
I read the article , and I didn't go to school for journalism so I'm not going to rip the quality of the work. However I do have a couple questions.

1. If PeeWee was employees by the university and Shapiro and or a sports agent at the same time, was this a violation of NCAA rules? Was the university required to have all athletic personnel complete an outside business/other employment verification? If so did PeeWee lie, did the university not perform this check?

2. What are the rules for staff members who have previous relationships with kids? The rules as I understand them are pretty clear, the university cannot employee or enlist the aid of individuals who are purely connected to the individual for recruiting purposes - I.e runners, street agents , etc. However PeeWee was a "big brother/ mentor" to this kid since middle school, it's asinine to think that a person who has been involved in a kids life as a mentor for probably 7+ years would not try to encourage them to attend the university they not only work for but also graduated from.

3. Did the Miami herald question mr. Allen about the rumor/allegation that he continued to help Clint Hurt recruit south florida players for Louisville while still employed for the university of Miami, if so what where his answers?
Yawn. Wake me when they drop the hammer. No interest in these almost weekly "we're gonna get it" articles.