Anyone else see 0 chance of winning?

I'd like our chances if we had even a half-decent defense. As it is, we have literally the worst defense in the country and are probably going to get butt-****ed.

if Williams(He has a weaker arm than Harris) plays we have 0% change of winning and people need to put some money down on FSU to get easy cash. If Morris plays we have a shot.
I guess it would be easier to just predict a UM loss and be surprised at win. That would be easier.

Not here, not for me. I'm betting on UM, all ******* in, like every other game.
I promised myself I wouldn't do this but

**** IT

I'm in. with all the ****ing and moaning and "we've got no shot" type ****. it has reached a level that is so disproportionate to FSU that I think we win. when everybody thinks we have no shot, we win.

**** em...all this assumes that Morris plays cus we have no shot with Williams
For the first time ever, ever, I don't see us having any chance to win.

Kind of a liberating feeling. No chance of being disappointed.

I see a 40, 50 point game

remember 1988!?!!?

Someone call Cortez and Russell and see if they can play, otherwise 30 point beat down.
Play the damned game.

All the candy-assed woe-is-me BS gets tiring after about ten seconds.

On paper, we should lose the game. But I also wipe my butt with paper.

The French were supposed to win at Agincourt, too.
I don't

I see a -100% chance of us not winning

We suck

Drop Football if we arent going to put the proper resources into it.

i'm not a math major, but you know you're saying we've got a 100% chance of winning when you say this, right?

double negatives, ain't they a *****?
They would have to really blow it, IMO. Manuel would have to be off really bad and our offensive line would have to have the game of their lives.
This is ridiculous. The same bloggers who were posting that we would beat Notre Dame are now saying 2 weeks later that we have no chance against FSU.

Have some perspective. We are 20 point dogs for a reason. Vegas doesn't just throw money away. However, if FSU can lose to NC State on the road they sure as **** can lose to us on the road. The chances are not in our favor but there is no question we have a chance.
Zero? No, not zero. We had zero chance in 1997. This likely won't be close, but I don't see another 47-0.
WE BEAT NCST WHO BEAT FSU. I know just because one team beats another doesnt mean we can but we can and WILL BEAT FSU

We beat BC... which lost to FSU 51-7. Not sure you can take much from the NC State games. We will lose if we don't score 40 -- and I don't see UM scoring 40 with Ryan Williams.