Anyone else have a feeling of relief?


Miss my dog
Dec 31, 2011
I told my boss this morning that I wouldn't be worth a **** today. No productivity at all. Totally useless. He says "how is that different from usual"? He's a great guy.

Anyway, seriously, I feel like I did when I got rid of ex-wife #2. It's like being released from the Gulag. I can feel optimism without the dread of crippling sanctions lurking in the background. Somebody turned a light on and there's no killer under the bed.

This is a great day to be a Hurricane fan.

But, you already knew that.

Definitely relieved..

tried to stay optimistic, but just had a bad feeling..

BUT NEWAY..On to wake..lets go!!
I was kind of blocking the whole thing out but with the news coming out I am feeling like a load has been taken off my back.
I sure would like to hear the details of what the administration knew while making the decisions to self impose bowl bans.
What a great feeling to be able to determine our own destiny again.
I am confident that we will not experience a mess like this again on Al Golden's watch.
There will be no rogue boosters roaming our sidelines and corrupting our athletes.
Just good football teams and good times.
Thank you Al and the administration for seeing this thru.

OP answer...Yes. It feels kinda like NSD. (no game...but alot of good info on UM football to take in)
Honestly, no. I've been relieved for awhile now. Once I saw Al at work, I felt pretty good about our chance to be at least o.k. no matter what. Not to mention the ineptitude of the NCAA during the investigation.

I feel more closure than relief if that makes sense.
Some are dissapointed the sanctions weren't far worse. The old Shannon mob, for instance.

I sure as **** am relieved. I expected the worst.
I have to laugh cause over on ****sTime the usual suspects are in hibernation until the good news fades away. It's amazing how they disappeared. The best news this program has had in years, and not a frikkin peep.
They are going batshiit crazy over here in Los Angeles.
These talking heads on sports radio keep saying how we only got 9 scholly's and SC got a 2 year ban and 30.
They all seem to leave out our 2 year self imposed flagellation.


Like I just took a 30lb crap.
I'm not even processing it. I keep feeling like we're going to hear a "but..." or that's its a trap. I forgot what it's like to not have this **** over our heads.