Official Antonio Tripp COMMITS

It’s a lot of guys,” Tripp said. “I’m going to be calling them all starting today. My goals are first I’m trying to build a better class than that legendary ’01 team. That’s my goal. Stay tuned, I’m planning on bringing the biggest, best guys. I’m getting to work, bringing the out West guys, helping get South Florida boys to stay home. I’m getting them all.”
Oh he's done it now... Here comes the wrath of CIO.

Plotting The Simpsons GIF

The o line is going to be the least of our concerns boys.
Tripp should get a text group going with all the stud O-line men and chop it up. If he truly wants to lock all these dudes down then get them all communicating together. Id get on the horn with that rb Young and let him know were going to have the top o-line moving further and he will be running behind one of the best o-line in recent memory. The young man has got to paint the picture. He definitely seems to get it.
Dude from West baltimore?! He is literally from and raised in the trenches..
I worked there for a summer as an intern. West Baltimore is an absolute shïthole it makes the bad parts of Philly look like Hawaii. Rough area to grow up
He had visited PSU 4 times so it doesn't come across as super biased here. I think their percentage system just doesnt make sense. It shouldn't be turned on until they know a recruit is about to commit. Way too early in the process to say a school is leading that much.

Here, you want to talk about biased? Here is the breakdown on 247. Clearly, both "publishers" and "fans" are taken into account in these "forecast percentages" on 247. And we wonder why we are not getting any ON3 "predictions" or "forecasts"?

Mirabal and Cristobal are beyond reproach in terms of OL evaluation. Some OL even the worse scouts cant miss. But overall this is one of the hardest position to rank unless you have a real eye for it. This is the position imo where the most under recruited and under hyped players become 1st round picks. You have to have the talent to do it. Our HC has that along with the OL coach. Never worried about this or Mirabal will have no arms and legs. Lets go.
He's from Maryland. Maryland borders Pennsylvania. Maryland and Penn State are both Big 10 schools.

And I think you are missing the point here, it's not about how many times someone visits, it's about a 99% prediction factor which is based on the fact that Penn State has an ON3 website (with writers and fans) and Miami doesn't.

You think this was a bunch of "experts" sitting around and sharing objective information about how many times a kid had visited a school, and then basing their assessments on such dispassionate facts and information?

I think a rule these recruiting sites use it to predict base on where the kids visit most. Especially if they pay their own money. Its kinda flawed because kids are more likely to visit schools close to their home