Antione Jackson Film Review: 954Cane

He'll be just fine. It will take him a few weeks to get use to his new life, we all will look back at this as funny.

It's obvious the kid likes Miami. It's also obvious that he's still very young and incredibly young and immature. Pretty sure most of us at one point thought the girl we dated in HS was going to be "The One". Tell the kid to either nut up or back off, either way, the flip flopping and headlines aren't a good look for us so a decision needs to be made.
Gotta remember this kid is probably what, 16-17? I’m not going to sit here and throw the kid away due to him just showing his youth. He is a talent that could help us IMO. Probably not in 2023, but at some point down the line I think this kid will be a player. He probably should not have reclassified though, that is pretty clear lol.
he's young.... he probably hasn't gotten the reaction he wanted from his ECU flirting and fake hat trick so he's looking for more...
This kid is a ******* head case
💯. We need DBs bad but
I would let the kid go if he wants to go to ECU so bad. We don’t need some homesick love puppy head case on this roster.
Kid seems real immature and probably shouldn’t have reclassified.
💯. We need DBs bad but
I would let the kid go if he wants to go to ECU so bad. We don’t need some homesick love puppy head case on this roster.
Kid seems real immature and probably shouldn’t have reclassified.
lol, Miami is home!
Are they any dumber than 30 and 40 something year old tracking teenagers, and their personal lives, on twitter?
Leave the young man alone. He will be fine once he gets on campus.
As far as re-classifying, most kids who do that are ahead of schedule to graduate and have nothing left to prove in high school. Good for him.
Some of y’all need to fuggin breathe before saying uncalled for dumbass assumptions.

Sometimes it’s best to just not comment and ya know, what a minute, or an hour, or a day.