2023 Anthony Hill, 2023 LB (Denton Ryan HS in TX)

yeah i'm used to shows being on in the background (like the office) so maybe it took me a few episodes (and rewatching them honestly) to understand that you need to be locked into every moment

I'm going to rewatch season one for sure as I really did love 1899. I flew threw dark and have 2 episodes left until i'm done
I have Dark on my list next

Would someone explain why the leak stops him from visiting if he wanted to visit in the first place? If he was actually interested in Miami, why wouldn't he visit? Are people under the impression that Texas would drop him if he did? That seems ridiculous. It looks like a visit would just increase his leverage with both and he could still do whatever he wanted, probably with better offers. What am I missing?

My guess, Texas caught wind of the Miami visit and upped the bag. I know this may be an unpopular opinion but, we probably did the same to make Cormani cancel his surprise visit to Alabama.

Nobody wants their prized recruit receiving the red carpet treatment on someone else's campus.
Meh, the first several seasons of SOA were good and then it flew the coup as they crossed a cartel and outsmarted the feds. Mayans is just weird, but still entertaining. ****, they're both weird, but SOA had better characters.

Gotta add Vikings to the list.
Watched all of SOA, it had one good season, which was 3. That ending was solid but even then not elite TV. The rest of that show was entertaining but garbage. Vikings was all right entertaining but it really went down hill when they knocked off the main character.
Gaby said y’all boys lying and none of this shît was ever happening lol
I’m sure Cribby who has a ridiculous hit rate was wrong then. Also SouthParkCane who knows the kid is wrong too. Gaby is an idiot. I’ve been on that site for over 6 years and know 1st hand how much they miss. Only reason I still pay for that bs is because my kids watch Paramount+.