2023 Anthony Hill, 2023 LB (Denton Ryan HS in TX)

How is he at defending the counter?
Black Ink Crew Laughing GIF by VH1

Did we have some tie to him. Or was that Hicks?

That conference is setting up for a huge letdown the way their schedules are set up.

Texas loses to TCU this weekend to kill their momentum, then TCU loses at Baylor to eliminate them from the playoff.

It’s clear now Mario’s only chance of success is to get enough talent that they win despite his coaching
Recruiting is Mario’s schematic advantage
So here’s his chance to make up for getting raped by fsu
It’s clear now Mario’s only chance of success is to get enough talent that they win despite his coaching
Recruiting is Mario’s schematic advantage
So here’s his chance to make up for getting raped by fsu

He's not coming
Very grateful for Ruiz and what he has done for us and I mean no disrespect when I say this but I really wish he would hush sometimes. That’s the nice censored version of what I really want to say, lol.

Do we know if the Stuart Miller, Mas, Soffer, etc group is involved in NIL? Or is Mario relying on them for the facilities?