Another So FL hater


The tweet was probably not the best idea but the point he's making is correct. If you truly love Miami football, you should never criticize a recruit or their relatives. All it does it make a later "flip" less likely & create a negative impression of the Miami fanbase (and potentially even the program although it shouldn't as the coaches & players have nothing to do with that).

Coaches and Admin staff are working 18 hours a day (correction: Mario 20 hours a day) to get our program back to where it should be. We're on a phenomenal path. Let's help that not hinder it.

Local recruits are surely smart enough to see that with the significant commitment Miami has made to football, the awesome staff Mario has assembled and our major recruiting wins, we're clearly on the right trajectory. When Miami is at its best, there isn't anything like it. Who would want to miss out on that? For what? To go play for little G5 Billy with a bunch of no-name recruits (he's whiffing all over the place) and be a middling team or weak team in the conference.

If the best recruits in the "State of Miami" are added to the ELITE national recruits Mario is pulling (like Francis, Rashada & Wayne), no-one is going to beat us. That could lead to many first round picks in the same year (due to a halo effect like in 2001/2002 where so many Miami players were taken in the first round -- a couple maybe were even slight reaches in the first round -- but they were drafted in the first round in part because the team had absolutely curb-stomped ranked teams by wide margins & dominated the Rose Bowl so NFL teams badly wanted a piece of that). That's also where the real money is (being a first day pick). NIL is a big factor for some and important for sure but getting a contract as a high round draft pick would ultimately blow that away. All the local kids have to do is realize that & stick together and they can have a similar awesome outcome at Miami.
Dumb tweet, but we do seem to recruit better outside of South Florida right now and I wonder why our local recruiting isn’t stronger.

Maybe it’s relationships with the high schools. Maybe it’s culture. Maybe we need to “play the game” with handlers. I’m not a recruiting guy so I don’t know, but when (not if) Mario solves this and we keep all the local 5 stars here while cherry picking from elsewhere like we’re already doing…look out
I don't know if that applies with the 24 (and younger) classes though. They seem to love Miami.

If the rumors I hear are true (and remain true) our 24 class could be epic.