another one of those posts from Pete….

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Pete if nothing is going to happen or your prediction was wrong could you just let us know. No hard feelings at all if so. This is a great site to begin with and the fact that's its free is something else so I could never be mad.
Pete kills it. Anybody who isn't grateful for the free **** he gives us never had a premium script on Grassy. He's a young kid with a life that is busting his *** trying to make a name for himself. He breaks new info all the time.

Lol that's an understatement! You all need to leave him alone. Him and I went to Columbus together and he was always into this. I didn't know him well until now. I see him in school often. The homie is trying to get his degree and do this and let me tell you when I see people in class reading this site, I know he is doing work. Leave him alone. The homie is doing what he does best and free to all of you.
judging by the time, i doubt it's a commit.. doubt someone will announce their commitment at this time
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