Andrew Ivins is a JOKE

Listen around the 9 minute mark.

Straight let dudes who were interviewing him clown UM.

Let me just put it this way... Ivins was asked who could potentially flip and he named LINGARD out of all people lol..our MF ambassador

Said he expects Hightower to go back to Cali cause most IMG kids go back to where they come from and he doesn't know what made him pick Miami. Also named Gurvan Hall, Jobe and a couple more.

Clowned our QB situation, clowned our IPF and clowned our scrimmages. Pete I'm sorry if that's your boy, but this dude is a straight up punk.

click bait!

Why do we even give a **** about another writer at another site?!? We have Pete, that is all we care about.
That show is just a vehicle for Silkk to bash the Canes, Kev the cane fan just sits there
Seems like another clown close to the program that is either purely an opportunist and/or secretly hates it. Hard to get too outraged about it when people still celebrate Grandpa Puke or think that Billy Cohen and The Feast have only love and benevolent motives toward our team.
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All those people are irvins higher ups. And they HATE MIAMI. All these sites dosent know what do. They can't skew the rankings like they have before. We are#1 by a ling ways right no. Rivals ranked us as the #20 class and Shimon Richards not even in the top 20 we had 5 freshman phenoms alone
Big3 roundup is a joke. Thanks for the summary so now no one needs to bother giving them a click or download.

BEEN a joke, and mostly because of Silk. Guy is AWFUL.

I've heard a couple of their podcasts. Silk is a flat out joke gator homer. Dude literally said that UF was an offense away from being a national title contender. Literally said that.

Newberg is the only one that brings any real credibility to that shot - and he's the FSU beat writer. Lets you know what you need to know.

It's easy in today's climate to get a few people together and get a podcast going - this is one of those situations where it seems Newberg brought that podcast more light given his position.
It's pretty much just a gayturd just talks his sh*t and nobody calls him on it, every caller is a gayturd too. Let's face it tho they can't do much else but talk F em all....can't wait for 2019 when we bury them
All those people are irvins higher ups. And they HATE MIAMI. All these sites dosent know what do. They can't skew the rankings like they have before. We are#1 by a ling ways right no. Rivals ranked us as the #20 class and Shimon Richards not even in the top 20 we had 5 freshman phenoms alone

I can't stand listening to that show, it may not be affiliated with 247 but ****, show some professionalism. Ivins isn't a typical homer reporter but there is no questioning his work ethic. I stated in the form that was close that one of our rival beat reporters would be the first to put in a CB for Jobe to bama to create a buzz. Sure enough cheap a$$ stampini was the first to do it, they look for a way to bash or take a shot at Miami every chance they have
It's pretty much just a gayturd just talks his sh*t and nobody calls him on it, every caller is a gayturd too. Let's face it tho they can't do much else but talk F em all....can't wait for 2019 when we bury them

I'm guessing silk is the dumb fck in the background laughing like a little bytch and talking trash. When he tried to discredit the size of the IPF by saying it was 60 yards, Ivins didn't even correct him. Instead he said we didn't even have a QB that could throw it 60 yards. But you know, florida's QB's are doing much better. Was low key talking smack about Perry. Saying something funny was going on with him.

Not sure why this fraud is allowed to be involved with anything Miami related. Jesus Christ he named Lingawd!
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Listen around the 9 minute mark.

Straight let dudes who were interviewing him clown UM.

Let me just put it this way... Ivins was asked who could potentially flip and he named LINGARD out of all people lol..our MF ambassador

Said he expects Hightower to go back to Cali cause most IMG kids go back to where they come from and he doesn't know what made him pick Miami. Also named Gurvan Hall, Jobe and a couple more.

Clowned our QB situation, clowned our IPF and clowned our scrimmages. Pete I'm sorry if that's your boy, but this dude is a straight up punk.

Silkk is a Gator version of Cameron Underwood. Dude's a comitted fan with little regard for nuance.

But Ivins is just a reporter. His job isn't to be a cheerleader. He shouldn't have played footsies with Silkk about the potential flips because we all know that statistically even if the average amount of player flip Miami is pretty much guaranteed a top five class at this point.

But he didn't really offend with the IPF and QB talk.
That show was a complete joke, those guys owe me 28 minutes of my life back bc that's as far as I could get into it. I feel sorry for anyone who listened to the whole thing.
Listen around the 9 minute mark.

Straight let dudes who were interviewing him clown UM.

Let me just put it this way... Ivins was asked who could potentially flip and he named LINGARD out of all people lol..our MF ambassador

Said he expects Hightower to go back to Cali cause most IMG kids go back to where they come from and he doesn't know what made him pick Miami. Also named Gurvan Hall, Jobe and a couple more.

Clowned our QB situation, clowned our IPF and clowned our scrimmages. Pete I'm sorry if that's your boy, but this dude is a straight up punk.

Silkk is a Gator version of Cameron Underwood. Dude's a comitted fan with little regard for nuance.

But Ivins is just a reporter. His job isn't to be a cheerleader. He shouldn't have played footsies with Silkk about the potential flips because we all know that statistically even if the average amount of player flip Miami is pretty much guaranteed a top five class at this point.

But he didn't really offend with the IPF and QB talk.

His job also isn't to put down the program. they were coming at him with false information and all he simply had to do was give them the facts. Or at least not make **** up about our most solid commits.
If you need that work, you gotta come to Peter.

Listen around the 9 minute mark.

Straight let dudes who were interviewing him clown UM.

Let me just put it this way... Ivans was asked who could potentially flip and he named LINGARD out of all people lol..our MF ambassador

Said he expects Hightower to go back to Cali cause most IMG kids go back to where they come from and he doesn't know what made him pick Miami. Also named Gurvan Hall, Jobe and a couple more.

Clowned our QB situation, clowned our IPF and clowned our scrimmages. Pete I'm sorry if that's your boy, but this dude is a straight up punk.

Sounds like he wants war! Does not realize the power of the alliance between CIS and WEZ, this motherfuker needs to be taken out.


Most wezzies think that CIS is filled with tards.

Oh, and Ivins > Pete.
Big3 roundup is a joke. Thanks for the summary so now no one needs to bother giving them a click or download.

BEEN a joke, and mostly because of Silk. Guy is AWFUL.

I've heard a couple of their podcasts. Silk is a flat out joke gator homer. Dude literally said that UF was an offense away from being a national title contender. Literally said that.

Newberg is the only one that brings any real credibility to that shot - and he's the FSU beat writer. Lets you know what you need to know.

It's easy in today's climate to get a few people together and get a podcast going - this is one of those situations where it seems Newberg brought that podcast more light given his position.

thats the problem. its 2 guys that are just fans that decided to create a podcast and then invited a beat writer to join so it could be the "big 3" would be much better if all 3 schools were repped by credible guys.