And then there were 4...

Cignetti isn’t leaving IU no matter who comes calling. His family loves it there. Bloomington is a wonderful college town.
If an SEC school comes in offering to quadruple his salary, his wife will personally pack the bags and box up the house herself. They'll love it there too.

If an SEC school comes in offering to quadruple his salary, his wife will personally pack the bags and box up the house herself. They'll love it there too.

I live about an hour from Bloomington in Indianapolis. Why would he want to go somewhere with championship or bust expectations, where at IU 9-0 is historic? Lot less pressure there and that is desirable for some coaches.
I live about an hour from Bloomington in Indianapolis. Why would he want to go somewhere with championship or bust expectations, where at IU 9-0 is historic? Lot less pressure there and that is desirable for some coaches.
1. $$$
2. He's a competitor
3. $$$$
4. $$$$$
5. $$$$$$