An underrated play

Hard to tell what game-changer changed what. Just that every play from about the 3nd quarter on, seemed to be a make or break play. We're very blessed to still be undefeated this year so far for sure.

Call it luck or fate, what evs!

Mesidor pressuring Slough into the intentional grounding

Changed the game because they were driving on the way to tying the game and we finally got them behind the sticks
I have never seen so many throw away passes that ended up getting caught. Their quarterback threw at least five passes that looked like they were to nobody in particular and somehow an offensive player still made the catch
You’re wrong it was the cameraman.

Ward's scramble hitting JG in the corner of endzone, may not have been underrated by the announcers but it put their D on notice—in case they were fooling themselves otherwise—that they were on the field with a legit Heisman QB. And they were going to be under serious pressure all day no matter what their O/STs could come up with. I wish they had a shot of their DCs in the booth on that.