Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

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I will never understand people that won’t fly. Helicopter, aight I feel you but US commercial aircraft… you got to be the scariest most irrational person on earth to refuse to fly. The last US fatal plane crash was in February 2009. People die every day on highways. Get ya pre check and enjoy what life should be lol
Putting any perceived or real safety concerns aside, the experience of flying absolutely sucks. I've taken thousands of flights in my life and the experience is not enjoyable. But, it's necessary for getting where you need to go.

I got Coleman wrong , that kills my percentage. Even though witfong and everyone said Miami before he announced. Ive spoiled some folks.

I guess we should wait for Mims to commit to fsu before charging me with another one.
If anyone predicted Coleman to JSU, I would have loved to hear it…and they should have played the lotto the same day.

That’s one that no one saw coming, apart from Deion and the kid’s family.
I actually spent last week in Cochran, Ga. I was chasing tornadoes for work and the one that hit there almost came down on top of me.

The people there are different to say the least. I had multiple people tell me they were even scared of going to Macon bc of the crime which made me laugh.
I live in a town in a rural part of GA. A lot of people look at every decently populated area as crime filled. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if FSU & Co. pitched the angle of Miami being a murderous wasteland to the mom.
I will never understand people that won’t fly. Helicopter, aight I feel you but US commercial aircraft… you got to be the scariest most irrational person on earth to refuse to fly. The last US fatal plane crash was in February 2009. People die every day on highways. Get ya pre check and enjoy what life should be lol
Put them to sleep, get them on the plane….

100 percent. I’m far from a seasoned vet, but anyone who thinks Mario hasn’t exceeded all expectations by a monumental margin (considering what state this program was in when he arrived) is absolutely out of their minds.

- NIL deals galore
- Multiple transfer upgrades with more on the way / trimming fat
- Hired a top five staff in all of college football
- Closed like no one else I’ve ever seen on early signing day when given 9 days of recruiting with a U on his chest.
- A multitude of athletic renovations on the way
- Fixing / actively strengthening relationships regarding local and regional high school coaches/staff members
- Most importantly, bringing life back to this program - starting with a cohesive effort amongst coaches/fans/alumni on Greentree and around Coral Gables. Have you ever seen practices this packed? A scrimmage sold out?

We miss on Mims, sure FSU won this one; it stings (and a lesson as to why we should never get ****y early on) + he would have made our team much better up front . this still isn’t over until he commits, but regardless…

Some of you need to look at the bigger picture…that or head to Costco and start buying your tampons in bulk…you’re going to need ‘em. Recruiting ain’t for the feeble-minded, especially down here.
Think where we would be without Mario. The Ruiz were not willing to commit to Manny.
My wife’s family is like this. Some people are really kuntry they lose all rational especially when it comes to technology. Probably just really hands on people and prefer to be in control. That means driving. Hope this kid still visits but not likely.
I’ve got family in Georgia the same way. Those family members also tend to never leave the state of Georgia. A vacation is going from Macon or Atlanta to Stone Mountain.

Had I known this was the situation with Mims I wouldn’t have wasted my time on this lol Easter is on Sunday 8 hour drive to Miami and 10 hour drive back to Cochran if you hit traffic. Ain’t no way this **** happens.

Refusal to fly and live out of state. Yeah go ahead and mark them off the list. He ain’t coming here lol now we gotta start asking recruits, y’all cool with flying?? No.. okay, Next!
That’s fine and dandy, except we have our OWN posters telling us on THIS SITE that we can’t use that logic to think players might want to come to Miami because of our own history of success.

Some of you guys are trying way too hard to convince others of your opinions.

@OrangeBowlMagic youre a good poster but dude I see a ******* soliloquy from you every 3 posts in this thread.

I’m reserving my judgement for how the situation turns out, but I 100% will question the judgement of someone picking FSU in 2022 if that is what happens.
You CAN use that logic, for sure. But as OBM said, we have no connections to Mims. He didn't so much as mention Miami publically, let alone come anywhere close to trolling. All we know is some message board journalists said there was potentially some interest.

What we DO know is that Mims had a strong, prior relationship with Atkins.

We don't know what is important to Mimis. From listening to the Noles 247 podcast today, apparently FSU set him up with some boring OLman as his host bc Mims is a homebody that likes to chill and play video games. The kid showed up at FSU in a wife beater. Maybe he won't be comfortable at Prime 112 and maybe he doesn't want to go to LIV after? Reminds me of this classic scene (IYKYK):


I will also point out that (i) Miami is a 7 win team that hasn't proven anything on the field, (ii) he will be blocking the SAME GUYS IN THE ACC at FSU as he would at Miami (strange argument that he can't shine at FSU, IMO), and (iii) the NFL will find him anyways.

Of the top 10 NFL tackles as graded by PFF (2021), here are their alma matters:


Ole Miss, Colorado, Arkansas Pine-Bluff, Utah, Western Michigan, Iowa, ND, Wisconsin

If this kid was from New Jersey and picked Rutgers over Miami, it would be chalked up as staying home. FSU is closer to home, and he has a strong relationship with the OC/OL coach. You all are getting butthurt simply bc it is FSU. That is the only explination.
I live in a town in a rural part of GA. A lot of people look at every decently populated area as crime filled. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if FSU & Co. pitched the angle of Miami being a murderous wasteland to the mom.
Except Tallahassee isn't some rural farm town and they have a really high crime rate.
So a bunch of porsters are resigned to the fact Mims is committed to FSU, i haven't seen no edit or commit drop from the school. So until proven other wise he a cane. Bunch of debbie downers, negative Nancy's, **** trolls.

The "let it all play out before reacting" approach walked out the door a LONG time ago on CIS. Most of us who are rational and know how things actually work understand this but the rest of the posters in here just like to overreact about everything.
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