Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

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What's going to happen in a couple of years when the kid gets drafted to the biiiiiiiig city? You can't live in a town of 5K forever, particularly if you want to be paid more than minimum wage.

It makes our main rival a better team and gives a public perception that a kid picked FSU over Miami. Unfortunately that’s the reality.

AND...............DUDE WILL BE GOING AGAINST OUR DE'S for 3 more years.
Stop acting like Tallahassee is a place that anyone picks to live in. The point was simple, it's a choice for a couple of years only, he can't live in rural areas much longer. He might have a preference, but if anyone thinks that "living in a rural location" is the primary factor here...
TOC - ****, he picked Athens,
samuel l jackson **** negro thats all you had to say GIF
This is the only gif you should reply with. Well done.
Norvall and their fanbase AND all their insiders know Mims isnt going to prevent them from having another crappy year. HOWEVER, they will use this as a recruiting tool on the road and tell other recruits that they went head to head with "The Mighty Mario and his new Miami program" and beat them head up. So things are shifting and FSU isnt a dead and instinct program that no top recruit would want to be apart of..

Thats what this is all about. FSU will still suck next year and they all know it.
He would help us more in the W/L column then he would at FSU because one guy there won’t help much unless it’s a game breaking QB.
Even if we don’t get him I think mirabal and Mario gone put a decent o-line out there. I think we will be solid regardless. LT-Nelson,LG- Logan or denis, C-clark, RG-rivers, RT-scaife. Campbell as the swing tackle. Enough talent there to squeeze out good o-line play.
TOC - ****, he picked Athens,

I understand, and I hope you realize I gave you an extra-hard time based on your log-in name...

But Athens is pretty much a suburb of Atlanta now. If you turn on the TV, what channels do you get? If you go to 7-11, what newspaper do you buy? It's not difficult for UGa students to drive into Atlanta for concerts and sports and other kinds of events.

The days of Athens being a TRUE rural "college town" are gone.
Things are not looking good for now. Bud is annoying but he's not putting an 8 down unless he heard something. The bigger thing for me is the silence on from our own people regarding what's going on. That's generally not a good sign.

It's not the end of the world if he doesn't sign here, but it would be a big miss for us. He's a talented player at a position you want talented players on. Norvell is desperate because he knows he's fired this season if they don't turn things around so om sire he's doing almost anything necessary to get these guys.
I was thinking the same thing. Miami 247 just made a slight reference around noon.
Random slightly OT observation about CIS:

- there's a small but vocal contingent of Canes fans/supposed Canes fans that post on here that pop up in situations like this or whenever SEC bashing is the soup du juor. These are guys that either are from or currently reside in Bumblefuk and/or don't actually like Miami- the city and area.

And I'm not talking about the sensible debates when a kid is actually enticed by the allure of college towns. I'm talking when these guys completely expose themselves by talking up Tally or (even worse) a lot of SEC hellholes while making negative insinuations (or sometimes just blatant ones) about South Florida.

It's cool though as this is a big tent fanbase but if you dislike this area or need to justify your own existence in North Florida or Jawja or Alabamy then that's moar of a personal issue than one we need to give any oxygen to.

End rant.
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