All Recruiting Board Posters; Please read.

SFbay, Is there anything you can do about the "FAP" comments. It is extremely disgusting and has absolutely no place in a football discussion. I open a thread about a commit and have to see that creepy "FAP." I get that some people think it is funny, and I don't want to appear as a prude, but it is foul and a bit disturbing.

You can, probably, turn off images on your setting big guy.

Hey SF, thanks a bunch...I don't want this site to deteriorate like all the other sites...Thanks for keeping clean and just full of football and recruiting conversations.

This really takes the fun out of things.

And I had just come up with an entirely new, foul, derogatory term certain to burn ears. Well dadgum it.
SFbay, Is there anything you can do about the "FAP" comments. It is extremely disgusting and has absolutely no place in a football discussion. I open a thread about a commit and have to see that creepy "FAP." I get that some people think it is funny, and I don't want to appear as a prude, but it is foul and a bit disturbing.


Jesus christ.
SFbay, Is there anything you can do about the "FAP" comments. It is extremely disgusting and has absolutely no place in a football discussion. I open a thread about a commit and have to see that creepy "FAP." I get that some people think it is funny, and I don't want to appear as a prude, but it is foul and a bit disturbing.


So we tolerating *****assness these days, or is it only tolerated on the recruiting board?
SFbay, Is there anything you can do about the "FAP" comments. It is extremely disgusting and has absolutely no place in a football discussion. I open a thread about a commit and have to see that creepy "FAP." I get that some people think it is funny, and I don't want to appear as a prude, but it is foul and a bit disturbing.


So we tolerating *****assness these days, or is it only tolerated on the recruiting board?

My boy Ridler must be reading my mind....
FAP = Fabulous Awesome Post

Anyone thinking otherwise is just dirty.
FAP = Fabulous Awesome Post

Anyone thinking otherwise is just dirty.

lulz. Would +rep, but because the rule of 25, I have to spread before I can give to Andrew.... Wonder why????
SFbay, Is there anything you can do about the "FAP" comments. It is extremely disgusting and has absolutely no place in a football discussion. I open a thread about a commit and have to see that creepy "FAP." I get that some people think it is funny, and I don't want to appear as a prude, but it is foul and a bit disturbing.


Thank you for your input on that. My initial reaction is that I dont see anything really wrong with that term and more to the point, that term is so ingrained into the vernacular of Canes fans that it would be a larger culture change than we can really digest here. That said, I will bring this up to site management.

Thanks SF for the effort to keep the board respectful and football focused. I'm not any kind of a prude, but don't agree with the FAP stuff. Maybe *********ion references are "ingrained into the vernacular of Canes fans" but I really doubt this infantile kind of reference is amusing to your adult posters, and don't think it adds anything worthwhile to the UM Football conversation.

Perhaps the management will consent to this notion of popular culture. In this case I suggest that after the NLOI day, when recruiting information slows, that you take a poll to determine average age and maturity level (or politically correctly profanity tolerance) of your subscribers. That's not to say I will like it, but it is what it is and everyone will know.

Whatever, I always check to see if my initial decision to click Ignore User was fair, but usually find that those who habitually use profanity or have it in their name tend, IMO to be useless sources of football information, or add little of consequence to the forum.

You guys know who you are, if you're offended by my opinion there's the Ignore User function.

Whatever the decision is I appreciate that someone in charge is trying to keep it clean. Thank you.
SFbay, Is there anything you can do about the "FAP" comments. It is extremely disgusting and has absolutely no place in a football discussion. I open a thread about a commit and have to see that creepy "FAP." I get that some people think it is funny, and I don't want to appear as a prude, but it is foul and a bit disturbing.


Thank you for your input on that. My initial reaction is that I dont see anything really wrong with that term and more to the point, that term is so ingrained into the vernacular of Canes fans that it would be a larger culture change than we can really digest here. That said, I will bring this up to site management.

Thanks SF for the effort to keep the board respectful and football focused. I'm not any kind of a prude, but don't agree with the FAP stuff. Maybe *********ion references are "ingrained into the vernacular of Canes fans" but I really doubt this infantile kind of reference is amusing to your adult posters, and don't think it adds anything worthwhile to the UM Football conversation.

Perhaps the management will consent to this notion of popular culture. In this case I suggest that after the NLOI day, when recruiting information slows, that you take a poll to determine average age and maturity level (or politically correctly profanity tolerance) of your subscribers. That's not to say I will like it, but it is what it is and everyone will know.

Whatever, I always check to see if my initial decision to click Ignore User was fair, but usually find that those who habitually use profanity or have it in their name tend, IMO to be useless sources of football information, or add little of consequence to the forum.

You guys know who you are, if you're offended by my opinion there's the Ignore User function.

Whatever the decision is I appreciate that someone in charge is trying to keep it clean. Thank you.

The users are using the word "FAP" in place of another that would not be allowed. You have to remember the crowd we are trying to go after. That is the tailgating crowd, and that is why our rules seem a little lax in some areas. If you visit our West End Zone forum you would see far worse. We will work hard to keep the athletic boards troll free but users posting the word FAP will be allowed. You will see less of it after NSD though. As far as the age goes we are currently gathering data to determine it.
Thanks for the kind words.

BTW - Are you the same chuckles from way back in the day on the old War and Politics board?

To address your opinion on the Fabulously Awesome Posts (lol), its important for ALL OF OUR FANS to realize that one of the great things about being a Miami Hurricane is the diversity of our fanbase. As much as we need to maintain decorUM, its also important to note that we must also respect diversity. Not everyone here is a college grad. ****, not everyone here can type. Not everyone here was raised with the knowledge of certain levels of cooth. I dont want to preclude anyone from the discussion based on background.

Its really one of the challeges of trying to moderate discussion in a written only medium. If you were chatting with someone while in line at the Burger King and they used an off-color term, and you looked at them and saw a toothless, ratty-clothed dude who rolled up in a rusted out '78 Chevy Vega, you would more than likely excuse their comment. In a written only medium its tougher to make that evaluation. That's why moderating a fanbase as diverse as UM's is challenging to say the least. Fortunately, site management chose Miami82 and I, primarily because we hate all of you phools (rich and poor, young and old) equally. :)
SFBay, with all due respect, I really don't understand how *********ion has anything to do with the Miami Hurricanes. Further, I don't see why people would find it comical or cool. Would it be okay to post that I am so happy about X recruit committing that I am *********ing because of it? That is exactly what you and some others are saying is acceptable. If so, this board will quickly turn into a big-time joke ala DotCom. It's your board I suppose.
SFBay, with all due respect, I really don't understand how *********ion has anything to do with the Miami Hurricanes. Further, I don't see why people would find it comical or cool. Would it be okay to post that I am so happy about X recruit committing that I am *********ing because of it? That is exactly what you and some others are saying is acceptable. If so, this board will quickly turn into a big-time joke ala DotCom. It's your board I suppose.
