Alin Edouard Update

Tito Benach

Staff Writer
Jun 10, 2012
Just exhanged text with him and he wanted me to tell you guys this "Let the canes fans know I ain't going nowhere! I'm here to stay."

So I followed it up by asking if this makes his commitment 100% and he said "YES SIR"
In all fairness, I'm pretty sure he's tweeted about a lot of schools that way including some lower level schools
I truly hope he is a part of this class. Very high upside in this kid I think. How he handles the recruiting business is his business.
im hoping when he tweets about other teams its just showing respect and he's just a really nice kid

Thats exactly what he is doing and he is an extremely nice kid

That's ridiculous. All it shows is that he's a spotlight *****. If I tweeted everyday about other girls who showed me love, my girlfriend wouldn't give a **** why I do it or how nice of a guy I am. Same commitment principle applies here. His entire focus, as a future leader of UM football, should be UM football. That includes any content he wants to include in his *** f*cking tweets.
let him have fun with the process, other schools deserved to get trolled a lil bit since all the negative recruiting they have been giving us
That's ridiculous. All it shows is that he's a spotlight *****. If I tweeted everyday about other girls who showed me love, my girlfriend wouldn't give a **** why I do it or how nice of a guy I am. Same commitment principle applies here. His entire focus, as a future leader of UM football, should be UM football. That includes any content he wants to include in his *** f*cking tweets.

Your aware your talking about a 17 year old right? Their young and immature...Welcome to the world of recruiting.

Dear Alin,

I see you use twitter, so do I! we must be allot alike (minus the talent, opportunities etc).
EVERY school has retarded fans.. I am not saying they are weird, but medically retarded. so when you give love to UF/FSU/Miami all during the same recruiting cycle..those retards come out of the woods.

I recommend you work hard this season, recruit for the U and stay healthy. The REAL UM fans always wanted you in this class and would like to see you help us keep some of the other top talent at home.

If you are looking at other school, not a problem just don't string the school along because of last recruiting cycle we are a bit on the edge.

Go Canes!
let him have fun with the process, other schools deserved to get trolled a lil bit since all the negative recruiting they have been giving us

F*ck that. This is the sentiment that leads to the circus. The idea we should encourage kids to "have fun with the process" by going to Twitter and trolling is absolutely retarded.