Alex Leatherwood

Only place in Bama worth a **** is Birmingham.

Every other city there (and I use that term lightly) makes me feel like I just stepped out of the Delorian 30 years in the past. It is a dump. But Auburn and Alabama are kingdoms for an athlete, so it really makes no difference.

Birmingham is a liberal ****hole, just like every city, I had a home in Bama for 10 years. Some of the nicest people I have ever met are from Bama out of the cities. Very, very low crime compared to other states at least where I lived, left my house for 8-10 months a year sometimes because we traveled alot, never had a break in. Try doing that in Florida without gates around you. Racists are all over this country in every color, nothing you can do about it. It takes years to break in if you're an outsider, once they see you treating them right, they pay you back 10 fold in kindness. Live out in Vegas now, people just plain suck, too many from CA here that really suck. Weak whiny entitled people in the cities out west, east coast people are easier to deal with but the scenery out here blows away the east coast that's why we're here for a while.
I have yet to meet an AA from Alabama (the state) that has anything good to say about the place. One thing they do agree on is that it's a racist place. I know racism everywhere, but there are more progressive places than there. I have a strong dislike for the old confederate states and institutions.

I've visited or lived in many states and the people in Alabama aren't anymore racist then anywhere else.

I need a Folden 'You kidding me?' gif right here.
Just google kkk Alabama and you will be amazed. They put out recruitment flyers in Walmart on MLK day... this year.
when will people learn?

we are not going to win any battles with bammer for recruits that they really want. not until we become a championship program again.

Complete and utter B.S. No doubt winning helps, but a good recruiter can get studs even after lackluster seasons. Obviously Ammon Richards is the most recent example, but we beat and will beat Alabama and other top programs for recruits year in and year out.
Only place in Bama worth a **** is Birmingham.

Every other city there (and I use that term lightly) makes me feel like I just stepped out of the Delorian 30 years in the past. It is a dump. But Auburn and Alabama are kingdoms for an athlete, so it really makes no difference.

Birmingham is a liberal ****hole, just like every city, I had a home in Bama for 10 years. Some of the nicest people I have ever met are from Bama out of the cities. Very, very low crime compared to other states at least where I lived, left my house for 8-10 months a year sometimes because we traveled alot, never had a break in. Try doing that in Florida without gates around you. Racists are all over this country in every color, nothing you can do about it. It takes years to break in if you're an outsider, once they see you treating them right, they pay you back 10 fold in kindness. Live out in Vegas now, people just plain suck, too many from CA here that really suck. Weak whiny entitled people in the cities out west, east coast people are easier to deal with but the scenery out here blows away the east coast that's why we're here for a while.

I've lived in Miami my entire life (save for a lil stint in L.A.). Never been robbed. Never been a victim of a break in. Never been a victim of a crime.

Alabama is as crime ridden as they come. The murder rate isn't much lower than Florida's (which is alarming given the population disparity), and they have 4 cities in the Top 100 Most Crime Ridden places in America. The South is the new Wild West. Believe it.

It's nothing personal. That place is a racist dump.

[video] 2F10%2F21%2Funiversity-of-alabama-desegregates_n_4124585.html[/video]

I will agree, the people are nice and polite. To your face at least.
Only place in Bama worth a **** is Birmingham.

Every other city there (and I use that term lightly) makes me feel like I just stepped out of the Delorian 30 years in the past. It is a dump. But Auburn and Alabama are kingdoms for an athlete, so it really makes no difference.

Birmingham is a liberal ****hole, just like every city, I had a home in Bama for 10 years. Some of the nicest people I have ever met are from Bama out of the cities. Very, very low crime compared to other states at least where I lived, left my house for 8-10 months a year sometimes because we traveled alot, never had a break in. Try doing that in Florida without gates around you. Racists are all over this country in every color, nothing you can do about it. It takes years to break in if you're an outsider, once they see you treating them right, they pay you back 10 fold in kindness. Live out in Vegas now, people just plain suck, too many from CA here that really suck. Weak whiny entitled people in the cities out west, east coast people are easier to deal with but the scenery out here blows away the east coast that's why we're here for a while.

I've lived in Miami my entire life (save for a lil stint in L.A.). Never been robbed. Never been a victim of a break in. Never been a victim of a crime.

Alabama is as crime ridden as they come. The murder rate isn't much lower than Florida's (which is alarming given the population disparity), and they have 4 cities in the Top 100 Most Crime Ridden places in America. The South is the new Wild West. Believe it.

It's nothing personal. That place is a racist dump.


I will agree, the people are nice and polite. To your face at least.
I will give you guys Chad Thomas. but he had tremendous pressure from family and friends to stay home.

Burns was an early bammer commit, but had to stay home due to his family situation.

Richards was not pursued hard by bammer (neither was Bush). Their main WR targets were guys like AJ Brown, Cavin Ridley, Demetris Robertson.

Saban only visited Bush because he was in the area.

dont know why anybody thinks we will beat out bammer for guys that are not in um friendly areas like Leatherwood.

you give me a couple of head to head examples out of dozens and think that means something? it doesn't.
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Only place in Bama worth a **** is Birmingham.

Every other city there (and I use that term lightly) makes me feel like I just stepped out of the Delorian 30 years in the past. It is a dump. But Auburn and Alabama are kingdoms for an athlete, so it really makes no difference.

Birmingham is a liberal ****hole, just like every city, I had a home in Bama for 10 years. Some of the nicest people I have ever met are from Bama out of the cities. Very, very low crime compared to other states at least where I lived, left my house for 8-10 months a year sometimes because we traveled alot, never had a break in. Try doing that in Florida without gates around you. Racists are all over this country in every color, nothing you can do about it. It takes years to break in if you're an outsider, once they see you treating them right, they pay you back 10 fold in kindness. Live out in Vegas now, people just plain suck, too many from CA here that really suck. Weak whiny entitled people in the cities out west, east coast people are easier to deal with but the scenery out here blows away the east coast that's why we're here for a while.

I've lived in Miami my entire life (save for a lil stint in L.A.). Never been robbed. Never been a victim of a break in. Never been a victim of a crime.

Alabama is as crime ridden as they come. The murder rate isn't much lower than Florida's (which is alarming given the population disparity), and they have 4 cities in the Top 100 Most Crime Ridden places in America. The South is the new Wild West. Believe it.

It's nothing personal. That place is a racist dump.


I will agree, the people are nice and polite. To your face at least.

Bama is pretty much divided . Birmingham high extremely crime rates .Than you have the inbreeds up in the mountains who are extremely racist . I'm a Florida boy who got moved here for about 3 years because of my job . Hoover is the $$ side these people are either Bama or Auburn . They have know class from the old to the young. I seen a Bama fan tell a older lady off about her Auburn chair at 10 year old kids travel softball game . Classless
I will give you guys Chad Thomas. but he had tremendous pressure from family and friends to stay home.

Burns was an early bammer commit, but had to stay home due to his family situation.

Richards was not pursued hard by bammer (neither was Bush). Their main WR targets were guys like AJ Brown, Cavin Ridley, Demetris Robertson.

Saban only visited Bush because he was in the area.

dont know why anybody thinks we will beat out bammer for guys that are not in um friendly areas like Leatherwood.

you give me a couple of head to head examples out of dozens and think that means something? it doesn't.

First 10 win season more and more will start to stay home. Not all but more and more
I will give you guys Chad Thomas. but he had tremendous pressure from family and friends to stay home.

Burns was an early bammer commit, but had to stay home due to his family situation.

Richards was not pursued hard by bammer (neither was Bush). Their main WR targets were guys like AJ Brown, Cavin Ridley, Demetris Robertson.

Saban only visited Bush because he was in the area.

dont know why anybody thinks we will beat out bammer for guys that are not in um friendly areas like Leatherwood.

you give me a couple of head to head examples out of dozens and think that means something? it doesn't.

shut up you dumb fuccck why in the world would nick saban be visiting ammond richards in home visits in the middle of the college football playoffs. nick saban is a busy man. smh
Only place in Bama worth a **** is Birmingham.

Every other city there (and I use that term lightly) makes me feel like I just stepped out of the Delorian 30 years in the past. It is a dump. But Auburn and Alabama are kingdoms for an athlete, so it really makes no difference.

Birmingham is a liberal ****hole, just like every city, I had a home in Bama for 10 years. Some of the nicest people I have ever met are from Bama out of the cities. Very, very low crime compared to other states at least where I lived, left my house for 8-10 months a year sometimes because we traveled alot, never had a break in. Try doing that in Florida without gates around you. Racists are all over this country in every color, nothing you can do about it. It takes years to break in if you're an outsider, once they see you treating them right, they pay you back 10 fold in kindness. Live out in Vegas now, people just plain suck, too many from CA here that really suck. Weak whiny entitled people in the cities out west, east coast people are easier to deal with but the scenery out here blows away the east coast that's why we're here for a while.

It's nice to have cash!! Of course the majority is the minority, if only we were in the 1%. Ehh, I love my life in the east coast but big money rules !!! EVERYWHERE