Alex Donno (Locked on Canes Pod)

CIS: you have to be an idiot to get info from anywhere else. 247 is omega dumb, On3 gives you aids, rivals is like drinking urine

Also CIS: idiot donno getting his info from CIS lmao


CIS: wtf how come no one who covers the team is actually a fan?

Also CIS: donno stupid fan boy doesn’t know jack he's just a stupid fan . stupid fan


I listen to most of his shows. I like him. He’s good for the program and the fans.
Nevermind that Donno should be off limits simply because his mom has lowkey done a metric ton for the Football program on the academic side. She helped navigate so many players through college as their academic advisor.

She's an absolute saint.

CIS: you have to be an idiot to get info from anywhere else. 247 is omega dumb, On3 gives you aids, rivals is like drinking urine

Also CIS: idiot donno getting his info from CIS lmao


CIS: wtf how come no one who covers the team is actually a fan?

Also CIS: donno stupid fan boy doesn’t know jack he's just a stupid fan . stupid fan


I listen to most of his shows. I like him. He’s good for the program and the fans.

We eat our young here. Every single Miami writer on every single platform has been trashed on here over and over. Every one. For years. No one can cite one who has been spared. Also, every single one of their articles is immediately brought over here as news for discussion within twelve seconds of it being posted. And most people here can't even write a proper sentence let alone interview someone or investigate where they might be leaning. It's embarrassing.
We eat our young here. Every single Miami writer on every single platform has been trashed on here over and over. Every one. For years. No one can cite one who has been spared. Also, every single one of their articles is immediately brought over here as news for discussion within twelve seconds of it being posted. And most people here can't even write a proper sentence let alone interview someone or investigate where they might be leaning. It's embarrassing.
Only northgator has been spared the CIS treatment
No need to hate on Donno. He comes off like a decent dude. He just reiterates what he reads and sees on various online sites. I've never seen him act like he's breaking anything new or anything like that.

He averages like 2,000 views per video. Not every Canes fan is on CIS or InsidetheU. He fills a need.
They f'in should be!