Alabama fans kick Deshaun Watson out of Tuscaloosa bar

Man what composure shown by Watson, so glad this kid beat bama and I hope he succeeds.

The crank comments always come fast and furious yet no comments about dat *** in the grey yoga pants?
Watson was already going high in the draft. But he just proved he's a great buy in that video. Head-up move to deescalate and leave the racist locals to cry in their cups about their lost NC.

Can't wait for Miami to ascend and Saban to go into retirement. their demise can't happen soon enough.
Let's not muddy the waters here because of some Bama hilljack idiocy. If Watson was from anywhere in that godforsaken state then I'd say they were justified. But he's not so it's apples to oranges as to how we should be ostracizing and exiling every local kid and their families that leave here FOR racist hellholes like Tuscaloosy. This was just butthurt harassment by these inbreds and not the justified retribution that we should seek upon local products that sell this area out instead of being so quick to offer "God blesses" and insanely telling them to "rep the 305/954/561 up in....".
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No one should be forced to bear the brunt of such racist indignation. While I believe that this country is better than that, apparently Tuscaloosa and Alabama aren't. I hope recruits and their parents take notice. There are other schools with strong programs, better academics and offer a far healthier living environment. Enough is enough already. Do the right thing.
Why is everyone pulling out the race card?

This wasn't about race. This was about the QB of the team who beat their beloved Crimson Tide in the National Title Game thinking he can sit down in the heart of Alabama football and order a meal.

Fair play to them. It's not something I would do, because I don't care enough, but different strokes for different folks.
Watson is a cool headed kid. NFL scouts should be drooling over this video seeing him not throw any punches.
Why is everyone pulling out the race card?

This wasn't about race. This was about the QB of the team who beat their beloved Crimson Tide in the National Title Game thinking he can sit down in the heart of Alabama football and order a meal.

Fair play to them. It's not something I would do, because I don't care enough, but different strokes for different folks.

people objectify athletes, and black athletes all the more so.
that's the most resistance anything having to do with Bama has ever put up versus Watson...
He chose to go to Tuscaloosa.

WTF did he think was gonna happen?

That he could enjoy the basic human dignity to peaceably eat a meal with his lady in a public restaurant like any other American.
All Saban recruits please take notice...Watson is the only black guy in an Irish Bar who gets kicked out by White Irish Rednecks probably because his girlfriend is white...Stuff continues to go on in spite of the 1964 Civil Rights Act...

Most ignorant post