Alabama and Racism II

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God forbid a family pulls their kid out of a failing inner city public school and puts them into a Charter School, right?

Just like a racist to exclusively equate failing schools to the inner city. Does this racist not know that Alabumma, a predominantly white state, ranks 49th in education?

Lol at calling me a racist, I'm nowhere near one, but again, here comes the ad hominem attacks and character assassinations. I didn't equate anything exclusively; I gave an example, an example that is unfortunately valid for many urban schools around the country. Did I say every urban school? No. I gave an example, so try to keep up.
You know its true. Sorry, bud.

In your delusional world it's true, but I'm not here to debate politics.

Delusional? Do you know the teachers union is one of the most powerful unions in the country? Liberals love unions, so they hate school choice. I would know because I am a public school teacher and see the absolute disdain for the mere thought of parents picking where their child can go to school. God forbid a family pulls their kid out of a failing inner city public school and puts them into a Charter School, right?

Now, we got a knuckle head on here ****ed that kids choose colleges in the South because they have some racist people, even though there are racist as*holes in every state. As to my last point, 90% of debates I have had with liberals always results in them pivoting to the use of adhominems; I have some friends who I disagree with and respect their opinion because they understand healthy and intellectual discourse, however, many libs do not. But im not here to debate politics either, take care!

Yes, generalizations, go ahead and label everyone, and simplify everything to fit into your argument. Again, I don't want to argue this.

Uh huh. Whatever floats your boat, chief.

Based on what you stated above you would like to have this debate without the use of ad hominem. Fortunately for everyone non-white (Europid) you will never be successful. The term white supremacy can also refer to a political or socio-economic system where white people enjoy a structural advantage (privilege) over other ethnic groups, both at a collective and an individual level. When you have whites dominating the two major political parties both conservative and liberal views are null at that point. That individuals character as well as state and local government historical practices outweighs both. So most non whites will be very cautious, to say the least, about leaving their child's education in the hands of government and privatized organizations that have a history of practices that are in line with David Dukes views. You can't escape this.

White people are going to win either way politically because they have two views that are in their interest. Whites only have to decide how far left or right they want to be at that point in time. Non-whites can only decide if they can make it with what's left over for them far left or right.
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In your delusional world it's true, but I'm not here to debate politics.

Delusional? Do you know the teachers union is one of the most powerful unions in the country? Liberals love unions, so they hate school choice. I would know because I am a public school teacher and see the absolute disdain for the mere thought of parents picking where their child can go to school. God forbid a family pulls their kid out of a failing inner city public school and puts them into a Charter School, right?

Now, we got a knuckle head on here ****ed that kids choose colleges in the South because they have some racist people, even though there are racist as*holes in every state. As to my last point, 90% of debates I have had with liberals always results in them pivoting to the use of adhominems; I have some friends who I disagree with and respect their opinion because they understand healthy and intellectual discourse, however, many libs do not. But im not here to debate politics either, take care!

Yes, generalizations, go ahead and label everyone, and simplify everything to fit into your argument. Again, I don't want to argue this.

Uh huh. Whatever floats your boat, chief.

I'm a Democrat. I'm not rich enough to have a boat.

Ehh, even Bernie owns 3 houses. Socialism can be lucrative ;).
I grew up in Jacksonville and went to college at the U but most of my high school friends went to UF. There is no question whatsoever that there is more racism in north FL vs. Miami - always was and still remains so.

I have travelled extensively throughout the world and found there is racism in every corner of this planet. Czech Republic puts down Slovakia as being stupid and beneath them & accuses them of polluting their rivers, Lowlanders in Scotland feel superior and put down the highlanders as being uncouth and uneducated, Europeans feel Hungarians are all gypsy thieves and on and on.

Most players want to play for a "winning" school and one where they will get attention/exposure for the NFL and I think very little, if any, thought is given to racism. When my sons played high school (and one played college @ UCF) football, there was no color distinction of black or white among the players. They are now in their 40's and the black and white players remain good friends.
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Lol at calling me a racist, I'm nowhere near one, but again, here comes the ad hominem attacks and character assassinations.

Of course you don't think you're racist, because you don't know what a racist is...introspection is not a racist's ally.
Lol at calling me a racist, I'm nowhere near one, but again, here comes the ad hominem attacks and character assassinations.

Of course you don't think you're racist, because you don't know what a racist is...introspection is not a racist's ally.

Lol, sorry facts don't care about your feelings.

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Lol at calling me a racist, I'm nowhere near one, but again, here comes the ad hominem attacks and character assassinations.

Of course you don't think you're racist, because you don't know what a racist is...introspection is not a racist's ally.

Lol, sorry facts don't care about your feelings.

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K...Mr. Racist.

God you're too easy. I must have really triggered you. Run off to your safe space now, bud. You proved my argument by being a keyboard warrior and dishing out the racist word left and right to win a debate, even when you know nothing about me. Classic. Well, hopefully we can agree to disagree about politics and just support our Canes. Take care.

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Mississippi, Louisiana and Idaho are all far more racist than South Carolina.

right, tell that to the people who got shot up in their church.

View attachment 41191

This guy got 38.8% of the vote in the Louisiana gubernatorial election in Louisiana. A statewide election.

At least Duke didn't get many votes in his 2016 run for the US Senate. Northern Idaho is dominated by neo-Confederates who leave Dixie because they like the snow. Although supposedly some of the David Duke and Don Black fans in northern Idaho are returning to Dixie now.
I must have really triggered you.

"Triggered"? in trying to provoke a negative reaction? in "looks like I hit a nerve"? in "you mad"?...LOL. No, nah, not at all bud. On the contrary, I hit your racist *** with facts, I know troll speak when I see it. "Triggered" is nothing but a conversation stopper. And you teach kids???...I feel sorry for those kids.
I must have really triggered you.

"Triggered"? in trying to provoke a negative reaction? in "looks like I hit a nerve"? in "you mad"?...LOL. No, nah, not at all bud. On the contrary, I hit your racist *** with facts, I know troll speak when I see it. "Triggered" is nothing but a conversation stopper. And you teach kids???...I feel sorry for those kids.

No, you just shout the racist word at someone you never met to try and win a debate that you know absolutely nothing about. I still don't get what I said that makes me a racist in your head. And oh, on the contrary, ALL my students love me. I differentiate instruction so that all my students regardless of ethnicity, learning ability, or socioeconomic status succeed in the classroom. But I'm sure this is going way over your head because I'm such a racist.
For all you "southerners are racist" people, how do you explain the bastion of liberal thinking, California, has a much higher incidence of hate crimes than Alabama?

Liberals love to argue based on feelings..."the south is more racist than the north", "Northern Florida is more racist than Southern Florida", but statistics not only do not back that up, it shows the opposite is true.
For all you "southerners are racist" people, how do you explain the bastion of liberal thinking, California, has a much higher incidence of hate crimes than Alabama?

Liberals love to argue based on feelings..."the south is more racist than the north", "Northern Florida is more racist than Southern Florida", but statistics not only do not back that up, it shows the opposite is true.

It's not a liberal or conservative thing. It's an ignorance thing.
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