Al Groh fired.

The honeymoon is definitely over for Johnson and GT. Firing Groh now might help keep his job for 1 more year.

I would rather Johnson stay there as they will rarely be a threat. Will be a lot of good coaches without a job at the end of the year. Hopefully Petrino does not want to return to Atlanta.

GT's educational requirements are insanely hard for your average 4-5* recruit. Petrino would be crazy to go there.

GT doesn't even have a Sports Management program for athletes to breeze through.

Georgia Tech defense is 90th in FBS, the Hurricane defense is 118, how does the Hurricane D cordinator hold on to his job?
Groh has had 2 full years and part of this one to install his scheme with some of his own players. There is some good talent spread sparingly on defense for Tech, but have been pathetic as a unit. Lots of missed tackles, no depth and a lack of heart is what lead to his firing.