AH4 update

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A FB that talks smack is awesome. I can’t wait to see him bust dude’s in the mouth. Those LB’s better be wearing chin guards.



Typically don't read into these kids tweets and don't try to understand what they truely mean but that "true colors" part makes me feel like some people we thought were coming aren't. But what do we know

So you think a cane commit would put that out as a warning as bad news?? Jesus Christ

I know right? Maybe I'm just more of the optimistic type, but I took that as guys that we are not sure about bc they have been tight lipped about their recruitment will come out and represent the green and orange on Wednesday.


Typically don't read into these kids tweets and don't try to understand what they truely mean but that "true colors" part makes me feel like some people we thought were coming aren't. But what do we know

So you think a cane commit would put that out as a warning as bad news?? Jesus Christ

Nah, you’re completely missing the point. These kinds of tweets tend to be more of “well, we don’t need you anyway” kind of tweets. Happens every year. We’ll see.
Guess Chatfield is really sold on playing OLB, not a player to lose sleep over though
DJ and Realus have been going at with Georgia fans all weekend

It's hilarious


When you go through Realus's Twitter feed, how can you not love him. Always on for repping the U, and throwing shade at FSU. Real Cane from the get go

He was going back and forth with some UGA fans about them being racist, soo maybe that's what he's referring to.

Good point. Maybe he is referring to the Georgia fans going all racist and **** when the guys commit to us. Could be anything tho


Typically don't read into these kids tweets and don't try to understand what they truely mean but that "true colors" part makes me feel like some people we thought were coming aren't. But what do we know

So you think a cane commit would put that out as a warning as bad news?? Jesus Christ

I know right? Maybe I'm just more of the optimistic type, but I took that as guys that we are not sure about bc they have been tight lipped about their recruitment will come out and represent the green and orange on Wednesday.

This is obviously what he means, how is this confusing for people?
Good grief, the tweet starts off by saying "Wednesday will be a great day for the Canes" and we got dudes here trying to infer a dark, cryptic message of impending doom.

Some of y'all are so Goldenized it's pathetic.
Don’t post private messages.

And there it is.

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What did I miss?

Respected poster violated unwritten cardinal rule. Posted a PM screenshot. He knows better.

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Was it positive news?

Yes it was. AH4 looking good for us.

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Typically don't read into these kids tweets and don't try to understand what they truely mean but that "true colors" part makes me feel like some people we thought were coming aren't. But what do we know

Hmmmm or how about people who everyone thought were going else where are coming here. You know true colors be letting out.


Typically don't read into these kids tweets and don't try to understand what they truely mean but that "true colors" part makes me feel like some people we thought were coming aren't. But what do we know

Hmmmm or how about people who everyone thought were going else where are coming here. You know true colors be letting out.
That may be the case too...
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