After the Storm: CMU

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I liked your write-up until I came across this-

I’d like to see more zone blocking out in space to capitalize on the athleticism UM’s O-Line has,

This is one of the least athletic OL I have ever seen. Navaughan looks like he has cement shoes on, and none of the others have a decent ability to move laterally.
You didn't read the write up then?
If you did and you're then referring only to us chimers, bruh, this is what we pay to do on this site.
This is exactly what I’m talking about, “this is what we pay to do on this site” - WTF does that even mean?
Idk if you’re saying this is what you get because it’s free or are you implying mods are great analysts because they get paid?

Either way it’s phucked because you have chimers & mods giving out their critique of a team that sacrifices and gets paid a whole **** of a lot more than a chimer or a blog writer. Are they great coaches because they get paid to do it? It’s kind of hard to agree with an F grade when it’s contrary to your analysis or you can’t put a clear and understandable sentence together. So we all get criticism but is it informative or insightful?

Ex: An offense that gets over 300 yards and 17 points with no turnovers in a win is not an F. If you broke it down by position group like Holsum did, you would clearly see where the strengths and weaknesses are. But this is nothing new. I can’t recall anyone saying the OL would be a strength but we’re suddenly amazed that freshman are getting beat by senior DL. It’s fkn psycho-babble.

Not to mention he broke down why there was back to back sacks because he played OL on 3 national championship teams. He clearly points out that Zion was left on an island against their best pass rusher. Then he provides solutions: you either give him some help by aligning the RB/TE to his side or run shotgun to give your QB a chance by increasing his field of vision.

So some of it is on players, some of it is on coaches but most of it is on experience. There’s a lot of ‘newness’ out there and with that comes inconsistency which is to be EXPECTED. This is why I don’t get the shock and awe in these reactions.
Look man, just bench patchan. 4th and 17. thats all i got.

I am a football expert deluxe who pays his CIS membership premiums, same as you.

I just spare you all my anal ysis, bc heads would melt at my 160 IQ.

Members of the BoT do my laundry.

I made mandy and penos cry twice this offseason via teleconference. Blake and patke werent allowed. I forget the others, beneath my gaze.

I make a ton of money, but am also helping the poor, employing 6000.

I played D1 at the highest levels and have coaching, actual coaching experience.

my wife and girlfriend and boyfriend are hotter than you and yours.

Both kids are semi retarded though.

My cooking is the best too.
The general temperature is that they won the game and that they are on the verge of getting things right, so I'd say mostly positive overall.

The staff is not blind and knows there are issues. As for what they'll actually do about it, we won't know for sure until VT.
Lord have mercy. That’s not what I expected
Look man, just bench patchan. 4th and 17. thats all i got.

I am a football expert deluxe who pays his CIS membership premiums, same as you.

I just spare you all my anal ysis, bc heads would melt at my 160 IQ.

Members of the BoT do my laundry.

I made mandy and penos cry twice this offseason via teleconference. Blake and patke werent allowed. I forget the others, beneath my gaze.

I make a ton of money, but am also helping the poor, employing 6000.

I played D1 at the highest levels and have coaching, actual coaching experience.

my wife and girlfriend and boyfriend are hotter than you and yours.

Both kids are semi retarded though.

My cooking is the best too.

WOW really sorry to hear that about your kids.

But I guess having a great imagination makes up for everything lol
Have a lot going on this week that has taken a large share of my time.

I’m not doing a film review this week and, frankly, after reading this recap I don’t need to do one. Stefan absolutely nailed this recap and I agree with his points. I was going to be pretty rough on the coaches but Stefan absolutely lambasted them as hard as they deserve.

Enos needs to get out of these tight formations and start running an offense from this century. I had hoped for a Spread Coast and what I’m getting is burnt toast.

Baker has not adapted to his personnel as well as I’d hoped and that delayed S blitz has to go.

The honeymoon is over. What do these coaches have for us in two weeks in a game that is essentially the season? A loss and you’re basically eliminated from the Coastal race and the possibility of missing a bowl game is real.

Anticipating an excellent response from our staff.