In honor of that Suzuki/Moxley main event, here's an old Pancrase fight between Suzuki and the much bigger Ken Shamrock. The first time they met, Suzuki forced Shamrock to throw in the towel after 7 minutes because of an injury to his leg from a submission hold.

They fought again and Suzuki made Shamrock tap in 2 minutes.


Have any of you guys checked out the CCW shows at Unbranded Brewing in Hialeah? I’m a casual fan (I don’t know anyone in WWE anymore) but I get a kick out of the live shows. Especially the small venue local shows. I used to check out the old local NWA Ring Warriors shows they had locally and the idea of getting some good local craft brews while watching a fun wrasslin’ event sounds pretty fun
So every time a business sells off a product for an obscene amount of money, it's a failure? Think about what you're saying.

The esteemed and unbiased world of "wrestling media." Why is WWE's stock still outperforming the S&P 500 and making so much money? These guys have been sounding the fake alarm for years. From a financial standpoint, WWE is kicking ***.

I've heard this silly "content" line from AEW fans for a couple years now. It is meaningless. Why do studios pay for "content?" Can I sell them five hours of the CIS Podcast in exchange for a couple billion dollars? Of course not. The studios pay for the viewers and the ability to sell ads. If the content doesn't satisfy those two requirements, it has no worth. WWE made billions off TV rights because a lot of people still watch and sponsors want to put ads on the product.

Does anybody really doubt that AEW is a show for hardcores? It's their whole model and it works for them. They had 906K and .35 key demo right before the pandemic. Last week, they were at 1,047,000 with .37 key demo after adding CM Punk and losing NXT as competition. That's their hardcore base, and it is enough to build a legitimate wrestling company. I expect Bryan and Cole bump up this week's number, but there is a ceiling unless they expand from the hardcores. But they don't need to in order to stay viable.
Meltzer is so biased with aew it's sickening, He's buddies with all their " executive Vice Presidents " lol. I mean the young bucks named their finisher after him on the independents and for obvious reasons. Nobody takes that guy serious anymore , well .......if you're an Aew mark you do. Hes about as unbiased as cable news "journalist".

Tbh I'm shocked it's even a debate about aew being for the hardcore. It's a niche product. If they make a profit and stay on TNT they should be thrilled, oh and continue booking by what the marks want lol.
The same people that would put WWE events at the top of the list. Notice no Heatwave 98, Spring Stampede 94, When World's Collide PPV...which would be the SMARK PPVs du jour here in America.

Your mindset of the average wrestling fan today is nonsense. Youre a hair away from using "internet fans" with the smark comment as if nearly all of the current market for wrestling isn't online. CM Punk and Bryan Danielson are about as big of gets as you'll get.. Bryan Danielson legitimately just main evented WrestleMania. Its 2021. There are under 3 million wrestling fans in the United States and they are almost all in the circle of knowledge.

Tony Khan is making a professional wrestling operation catered to the masses that want actual professional wrestling. Not "sports entertainment" and within a calendar year made an American promotion exceedingly profitable. It's been said already, but Tony Khan saved American Professional wrestling. Sorry, but its true. You should say thank you and send him a fruit basket because his mere presence will make WWE put together a better, more compelling product, because Dynamite will catch RAW sooner than you think and those rights deals are coming right around the corner as well.


sooner than you think...the very next episode.

imo wwe has stunk for years but AEW is filling their roster with guys who never looked like real pro wrestlers to me anyway. I never understood the hype with Daniel Bryan. They have talent but its alot of acrobatics and jumping around. Kenny Omega as a champ is a joke. It's not bad but it's not WWE when it comes to storylines and stuff. It's like the same show every week. they do have element of surprise just for fact they can get WWE guys and no one cares if their guys show up on Raw. That being said, as much as WWE has been bad, the last thing you want is a motivated Vince McMahon.
Young wrestling fans wouldn't have the context.

American wrestling shows often lack the match quality and/or big, important moments. This had both in droves.
I’ll say this. The Lucha/Bucks cage match might have been the best cage match I’ve seen. At minimum equal to End of an Era (HHH/Taker). Better than HBK/Taker. Better than BossMan/Hogan on SNME or Orndorff/Hogan.
The same people that would put WWE events at the top of the list. Notice no Heatwave 98, Spring Stampede 94, When World's Collide PPV...which would be the SMARK PPVs du jour here in America.

Your mindset of the average wrestling fan today is nonsense. Youre a hair away from using "internet fans" with the smark comment as if nearly all of the current market for wrestling isn't online. CM Punk and Bryan Danielson are about as big of gets as you'll get.. Bryan Danielson legitimately just main evented WrestleMania. Its 2021. There are under 3 million wrestling fans in the United States and they are almost all in the circle of knowledge.

Tony Khan is making a professional wrestling operation catered to the masses that want actual professional wrestling. Not "sports entertainment" and within a calendar year made an American promotion exceedingly profitable. It's been said already, but Tony Khan saved American Professional wrestling. Sorry, but its true. You should say thank you and send him a fruit basket because his mere presence will make WWE put together a better, more compelling product, because Dynamite will catch RAW sooner than you think and those rights deals are coming right around the corner as well.
imo wwe has stunk for years but AEW is filling their roster with guys who never looked like real pro wrestlers to me anyway. I never understood the hype with Daniel Bryan. They have talent but its alot of acrobatics and jumping around. Kenny Omega as a champ is a joke. It's not bad but it's not WWE when it comes to storylines and stuff. It's like the same show every week. they do have element of surprise just for fact they can get WWE guys and no one cares if their guys show up on Raw. That being said, as much as WWE has been bad, the last thing you want is a motivated Vince McMahon.
The problem is WWE has been bad for so long - yet have been getting content deals - that Vince likely does not believe that his company is doing anything wrong. Thats is the problem.
The problem is WWE has been bad for so long - yet have been getting content deals - that Vince likely does not believe that his company is doing anything wrong. Thats is the problem.

IMO, WWE is going to be blown away when AEW gets their next deal, which is a little before WWE gets theirs.

If WWEs deal isn't significantly better than AEWs (especially for RAW), I think things in Titan Towers gets really wacky.
IMO, WWE is going to be blown away when AEW gets their next deal, which is a little before WWE gets theirs.

If WWEs deal isn't significantly better than AEWs (especially for RAW), I think things in Titan Towers gets really wacky.
wwe tries to force-feed fans. They should have made Cena go heel a way back. that was the way to go for them.
RAW: For Hardcores Only.
I said that post-PPV show would be a big demo number for AEW, especially compared to RAW on a holiday. Punk popped a similarly big number on Dynamite after his debut and then it dropped.

The key for AEW is the next step. They've cashed in their biggest chips. Maybe they add a Kevin Owens or Sami Zayn down the line, but who is going to be the guy to rope in more casual fans?
I said that post-PPV show would be a big demo number for AEW, especially compared to RAW on a holiday. Punk popped a similarly big number on Dynamite after his debut and then it dropped.

The key for AEW is the next step. They've cashed in their biggest chips. Maybe they add a Kevin Owens or Sami Zayn down the line, but who is going to be the guy to rope in more casual fans?

Brother, I say this with love.

When you say **** like "casual fans" I can not take you seriously. They do not exist.

What "casual fan" doesn't know who Bryan Danielson and/or CM Punk are? Danielson main evented the very last WrestleMania. These are two of the biggest stars of the past 15 years in wrestling.

Audiences grow in wrestling over time. It takes a while...just like it has taken a long time for the WWE audience to dwindle to what it is today...but in 2 years, they've already beat RAW in the only demo that matters. They won't do it regularly in the short term. RAW will beat Dynamite most weeks, but we're at the jostling stage of this battle until Dynamite gets ahead for good and stays ahead. Its happening. Hot TV will bring in more viewers, but the viewers that matter are already there and they are blowing away expectations. The 50+ year olds that comprise most of the WWE audience will be the last to migrate over, if ever, but they don't matter when it comes to those rights deals. Both of these companies will get massive deals. AEW's deal will blow people away...its going to be a monster and a surprise to many that year. But, you heard it here first, so you won't be that surprised. WWE's will be huge, too...but I am curious if WWE expects X, but gets Y, because these networks will play hardball with them, especially RAW because there is now a viable show that may be doing better than RAW that they can otherwise negotiate with. Going to be very interesting.
I said that post-PPV show would be a big demo number for AEW, especially compared to RAW on a holiday. Punk popped a similarly big number on Dynamite after his debut and then it dropped.

The key for AEW is the next step. They've cashed in their biggest chips. Maybe they add a Kevin Owens or Sami Zayn down the line, but who is going to be the guy to rope in more casual fans?

I wanted to extend my post on this...

You confuse "casual fans" with what is actually WWE hardcores.

The 600-700K that tuned into NXT over AEW. The 50+ males that were in their late 20's, early 30's during the Attitude Era and are basically WWE habit watchers that provide the foundation of WWE viewership. There is also a revolving door of 18-49 female viewership that doesn't always tune into RAW, but hasn't really gotten to AEW yet (and they may never, but getting Bryan Danielson - a reality TV "star" and having their own reality TV show starting to air soon may help with that?).

Also, you scoffed earlier at 200K-ish buys for All Out 2021...turns out that number is incredibly impressive in the modern landscape of wrestling.

I listen to "Keeping 100" with Konnan ( great podcast) and I always hear him and disco talk about how good the Roman Reigns stuff is. So I went and watched Reigns and Lesnars segment from smack down , that was some of best **** I've seen in a loooooiong time. Great story line developing , great talkers ( Witn Heymon) ,a good build and two guys who actually look like bad asses. Not a bunch tiny gymnasts flipping. This is how wrestling should be done , this has been in the works for awhile but it's a slow burn. It was a matter of time before Brock would be back and he'd go after the " big dog ". Who happened to have his former advocate representing him.

It took me back , I literally watched the entire segment and never cringed or felt like this is fake. That's how you know it's good ****.
I listen to "Keeping 100" with Konnan ( great podcast) and I always hear him and disco talk about how good the Roman Reigns stuff is. So I went and watched Reigns and Lesnars segment from smack down , that was some of best **** I've seen in a loooooiong time. Great story line developing , great talkers ( Witn Heymon) ,a good build and two guys who actually look like bad asses. Not a bunch tiny gymnasts flipping. This is how wrestling should be done , this has been in the works for awhile but it's a slow burn. It was a matter of time before Brock would be back and he'd go after the " big dog ". Who happened to have his former advocate representing him.

It took me back , I literally watched the entire segment and never cringed or felt like this is fake. That's how you know it's good ****.
Totally agree, that was the best show in two years. Those dudes are real professional wrestlers. You can suspend disbelief when they kick someone’s ***.

Edge v. Seth Rollins was good, too. And Bianca Belair is both fine as **** and more physically talented than UM’s linebacker corps.

Totally agree, that was the best show in two years. Those dudes are real professional wrestlers. You can suspend disbelief when they kick someone’s ***.

Edge v. Seth Rollins was good, too. And Bianca Belair is both fine as **** and more physically talented than UM’s linebacker corps.

“ Suspending disbelief “ is what used to be how you knew the wresting was good. The epitome of that is Brett vs Stone cold WM13.