According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

You can see the pure joy on his face when talking about this program
Those were some fun times for players and fans...
Thank goodness we are getting a coach and AD who were part of those experiences.... it changed our individual DNA... you can't have gone through those days as Cane fans and not bleed green 'n orange till you die.
Bianchi is an a$$hat. Always had a bug up his a$$ when it came to the Canes. No bad **** ever seems to happen in Tallahassee or Gainesville to this hack.

He sounds no different than the other Gator and Nole fans in social media. Self-righteousness cloaking his true emotions of fear and jealousy that the Canes are on their way back.
I can tell from the amount of messages and your reaction score that you were one of the least liked mfers on CIS since December 11th, 2012.
Lucky for me, I couldn’t give less of a f*** about what you clucks on here say. The proof is in the past 19 years! This ain’t it. Go beat off one of your favorite posters and leave me alone! 😉

See how quick Oklahoma got that done? Venables just became the name a couple days ago and boom. Mario has been the target since pretty much the beginning and it gets dragged out until now it’s tomorrow apparently….

I’m no insider and I’m not a psychic but I’m pretty sure Mario requested for the delay then add the AD hiccup. Apples and Oranges but carry on complaining..
denzel washington GIF
I Dont Think So Sacha Baron Cohen GIF by Amazon Prime Video
Yeah……. I am back. Latin wife. I had to go in time out and spent the last 2 hours or so kissing *** and cooking dinner as my penance. I am still on silent treatment/short & snippy answer stage.

Anyway, back to my project, lol

I feel you brother, I know how they work, I too am married to one and I’m glad you made it out of this one alive. It can be dicey.