According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

Fuggit. I’ve been holding out popping this bottle (remembering grudengate) but if Cribby says it’s done…it’s done

Celebrate Dj Khaled GIF
This one on his twitter is spot on.
Replying to @AaronJFentress

Can we just get a coach that ******* wants to coach in Oregon... I blame Kate Brown Oregon sucks.
If "spot on" means posting that Mario missed the Alama Bowl ZOOM meeting, when he was reportedly in fact seen, well, yeah, i guess depends how u define "spot on".
Mario wanted to tell his team in person. Most coaches worth their salt want everyone together and look them in their eyes.

This makes sense and i know you got the plug. I haven’t posted in a really long time or even been looking at the board till recently. I got someone who has a kid on the team who said there has been no meeting with players and they haven’t been told anything yet.

Player said Mario also hasn’t told any of them he is staying which they read is he is leaving. Players expect him to leave and even know how much the contract is worth or have been reading Twitter. Said Oregon is/was willing to match anything Miami offered. Nothing really new or earth shattering. I’ll see if I can get more once Mario does officially meet with his team.

As cribby has said it is done so now he just needs to tell his players. I’ll see if I can find out if a team meeting is scheduled I don’t want to bother them too much
If you mean A. Fentress, he also posted that Mario missed the ZOOM meet for the Alamo Bowl, when he was in fact seen to attend. So some of his "followers?" are taking him to task for sorry sources or info...

...quite honestly the guys here and there who "heard from sources" they give no real clue about, are getting to be more than simply annoying... more like infuriating. And this speaking in code and symbols. Cmon now, ya can (mostly) all go F yerselves.
no it wasn't him.