According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

Along those lines, you think that he would hold off signing the deal till right before he tells them or thereafter so he could say he let them know as soon he agreed to take the job?
That is my thought, and how I hope a coach would handle a change. As opposed to sneaking away in the night like Kelly and Riley seem to have left
An AD is never, ever going to admit to the media that he is going to leave because of one guy. It is more complex than that.

Strangest tweet yet.

UM: Here ya go Mario everything as requested. Money, Coaches Salaries, Commitment to facilities and recruiting budget, it's all there.

Mario: Weellllllll, I'm not sure now.

No way that's happening. If Mario is the man everyone says he is he'll sign on the dotted line if they gave him what he wanted.

Brian kelly gets a deal done over burnt ends dinner and meanwhile I’m Coral gables…
Part of this talks of just timing the announcement. That would be an acceptance. The other part talks about whether he even accepts. There truly is no informal acceptance as in a commitment without a signing.

The him and him is grammatically incorrect.
Oh gotcha. We're making fun of Barry for poor grammar even though we understood exactly what he meant.
That is my thought, and how I hope a coach would handle a change. As opposed to sneaking away in the night like Kelly and Riley seem to have left
All the social media really seems to muddy things up doesnt it? In the old days, you did this in quiet and when you called for a meeting with the players it wasnt new everywhere.
This is a ******* joke and anyone that says otherwise is lying to save face. We look like complete ******** and a joke of a program smh this is why Manny needed to be fired right after the Duke game. Mario and Rad better accept and get started on re-building what’s left of our reputation
people will forget when we start winning games
This is a ******* joke and anyone that says otherwise is lying to save face. We look like complete ******** and a joke of a program smh this is why Manny needed to be fired right after the Duke game. Mario and Rad better accept and get started on re-building what’s left of our reputation

if they hire Mario, that's literally all that matters

This is equivalent to her saying “don’t ***”! But instead of a couple minutes it’s the ENTIRE WEEKEND!! My goodness!