According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

Manny SR getting Twitter to come to his son rescue. Lots of people in the football world are coming out and sticking up for him
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They aren’t wrong though. It’s a pretty easy process. You decide your current coach isn’t getting the job done so you fire him. You then have a list of guys you want to hire and go after them. I’ve never seen a search handled like this.
I am just bummed that this is all delaying Fraggle coming back.
We look horrible right now.

I trust @Cribby that everything is fine, but this is a bad look. I hope everything is resolved soon.
I dont think that this is a good look for anyone right now the way that this has been unfolding. Maybe Mario is trying to save face with UO by showing that he is agonizing over this or something else. I am no expert but this doesnt seem to be the way things usually go down. You have an agreement and you announce not you have an agreement and then not sure. Very odd reporting.
Barry Jackson is another loser. Completely out of the loop as always. The media will always be enemy #1 when it comes to our rise back to prominence. To the rest of college football we are the most hated, always have been.
What if Mario had a last minute change of heart? Agreeing on the contract terms is one thing but signing the contract is another. So if this is true it is not a done deal.

He's agreed to a contract but doing a live interview for Oregon. This is wild lol
Oh and this keeping Manny thing is a ploy. Politically strategized media pressure from the outside started by none other than the slimeball BOT members in order to sway public opinion on the situation. Trying to get people comfortable with keeping Manny even though that option is not on the table. Almost as if they think the fan base will start saying “**** it bring Manny back”
Politically strategized? If the morons in charge would just fire the guy already none of this speculation would be happening.