According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami


Oh My God Reaction GIF by The Office
It would be pretty ******* embarrassing for that guy and the school for him either to get the official word mid flight or when he is in some kid's house. Only right thing to do.
Everyone knows the deal , as usual fans love losing their minds because they don't know what's going on. The staff knew Mario was the guy and they knew at the latest tomorrow would be D day. There's multiole reasons why it was handled like this and everyone was open and upfront about everything. At this point it doesn't matter.
Man as a fan I'm excited bros! Im a new school fan so I haven't seen Miami win **** hopefully this the start of something great
Everyone knows the deal , as usual fans love losing their minds because they don't know what's going on. The staff knew Mario was the guy and they knew at the latest tomorrow would be D day. There's multiole reasons why it was handled like this and everyone was open and upfront about everything. At this point it doesn't matter.
When do you think we will get clarity on AD?
Everyone knows the deal , as usual fans love losing their minds because they don't know what's going on. The staff knew Mario was the guy and they knew at the latest tomorrow would be D day. There's multiole reasons why it was handled like this and everyone was open and upfront about everything. At this point it doesn't
They won’t listen dude. Even our own fans can only handle checkers things
Everyone knows the deal , as usual fans love losing their minds because they don't know what's going on. The staff knew Mario was the guy and they knew at the latest tomorrow would be D day. There's multiole reasons why it was handled like this and everyone was open and upfront about everything. At this point it doesn't matter.
I'm not that emotionally invested in the twist and turns but there no was reason for him to be traveling out to California. Not when **** is done. It was not needed and good that someone put a stop to it.
You can tell Canesport and Gary Ferman are in the Manny Diaz camp. They’re breaking all info on Diaz and his whereabouts.
I’m not in the camp of Diaz. But the first thing to happen in officially get a HC is to have a HC vacancy. And I’m blocked by them anyway