According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

If signatures are on the dotted lines why not announce it and why we have two HC's still?
easy explanation that doesn't require a bunch of mental gymnastics: he hasn't signed yet. He's also out recruiting for Oregon right now, which he would not be doing if he signed the agreement.

But again, no one has come out and refused the earlier reports. Not Oregon, not Mario, not UM. At least that's a good sign.
easy explanation that doesn't require a bunch of mental gymnastics: he hasn't signed yet. He's also out recruiting for Oregon right now, which he would not be doing if he signed the agreement.

But again, no one has come out and refused the earlier reports. Not Oregon, not Mario, not UM. At least that's a good sign.
I believe this scenario. But insiders say it is done. Maybe verbally but that doesn't make if final and binding.

This better be fake news 😐

I thought this would be THE ONE TIME that @Cribby would’ve of used the 🤣 reaction.


law and order crazy shit GIF