According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

How many other programs conduct their coaching search like this?

this isn't a coaching search. this is a coaching raid. if the target doesn't come they are sticking with the current coach.
@Cribby Just curious since Miami is working with new money why didn't we take a shot at Riley?

Seriously? Look, Riley is a good coach and all, but that doesn't mean he was interested in any/all other jobs. We have no idea on how/when he communicated with USC and what exactly was said, but we do know that the USC AD was hired in 2020 and basically spent a year figuring out his plan.

Again, this goes to my point about HOW LONG we have suffered under the double incompetency of Frenk and Beta Blake. You can't just snap your Thanos fingers and erase years of "no-plan" and then suddenly replace it with "Riley-plan".

I hear your concern, but if you noticed, nearly every serious AD and HC candidate is either a UM alum, a former UM employee, or has past SoFla connections. I'm not saying we would never have considered Riley, we got a late start, but I think that the powers-that-be felt that if we chased someone with no SoFla ties, it was going to be an uphill battle and/or require a massive salary to get their attention.
My comment was related to one person on staff who wasn't going to pursue another job that had interest in him - unless Manny was fired.

Manny told him this morning to pursue the job and take it if offered.

Not an on-field coach but an important role that Manny isn't going to give free reign to leave if he doesn't know.
Seriously? Look, Riley is a good coach and all, but that doesn't mean he was interested in any/all other jobs. We have no idea on how/when he communicated with USC and what exactly was said, but we do know that the USC AD was hired in 2020 and basically spent a year figuring out his plan.

Again, this goes to my point about HOW LONG we have suffered under the double incompetency of Frenk and Beta Blake. You can't just snap your Thanos fingers and erase years of "no-plan" and then suddenly replace it with "Riley-plan".

I hear your concern, but if you noticed, nearly every serious AD and HC candidate is either a UM alum, a former UM employee, or has past SoFla connections. I'm not saying we would never have considered Riley, we got a late start, but I think that the powers-that-be felt that if we chased someone with no SoFla ties, it was going to be an uphill battle and/or require a massive salary to get their attention.
Miami didn't decide 3 weeks ago changes needed to be made. I get that they prefer Miami ties because that has worked so well the last 20 years but that is my point. Lincoln is the best young coach in CFB throwing money at him seemed like the answer.
Blame should be pointed towards Mario at this point. Urgency is necessary in coaching changes at the end of the season, his team got blown out 2.5 days ago, Cribby is saying this deal was done yesterday and yet we've got nothing from Mario. Wtf is he doing?
There’s so many details in this contract related to the program and budget and all of that… because it didn’t exist here before. We didn’t have a baseline to present to him. The whole thing is new from strength, nutrition, adidas stuff, facility upgrades, staff budget, analysts, etc.

This was a long process especially without an AD in place and someone that knows what these budgets look like to lay it out… like Radakovich. Frenk and his advisors went in with an open mind and basically let him lay out what he needed and he got it.

By all means from what I’ve heard - everything I laid out in my post last week is being addressed - including the stadium (they’re gonna take a shot at it) - I would be very excited about the direction of the program.

No bullcrap, this is one of the most important and insightful posts on the entire thread.

Let's have some perspective here. As I have pointed out, Frenk still has not gotten a new 5-year contract. In theory, he could be "out" at Miami by 2022.

So if Mario does NOT get written contractual assurances, and if Mario relies on oral promises, then he has NOTHING to fall back on if/when the Miami BOT ****cans Frenk and hires someone else. And, yes, these WRITTEN contractual assurances, particularly for NEW items, is completely unprecedented. Yes, Richt wanted an IPF, but we had already started planning for, and fund-raising for, an IPF at the time Richt was hired.

UM Legal has been working overtime for the last few weeks, but I think it will all pay off when Mario puts his Juan Hancock on the contract.
because he needs clicks and subscriptions. the athletic has been hemorrhaging money for three years running.
The only thing the Athletic is good for is their Fantasy Football coverage. Keith Law is also pretty good. But our local writers on the Athletic for every sport are trash.
This whole fiasco proves twitter is trash. Everyone can just run and put out whatever they want and cite "reports" and "sources" without naming any actual report or source.
You just figured this out. Twitter is the downfall of journalism. Everyone wants to get the information out first so they don't go through the past procedures that were used before breaking a story.