ACC changes to its championship game?

Yeah - the proposal where the 1st place team team doesn't play in the ACC title game seems odd to me, but at least makes some sense if the goal is to get as many teams from the ACC into the playoff as possible It still feel like it would cheapen the champion though, like this year if SMU was given the ACC title and the winner of Clemson/Miami in the ACC Championship Game was #2...

The proposal to add a playoff to the ACC championship, while I could see if it from a "let's make more money!" point of view, I have to imagine at some point someone is going to push back on the amount of games being played. You are now talking about at the ACC Champion having played 14 before even getting to the playoffs.
This is a good answer, agree with what you're saying. I do think it would be interesting if the regular season conference winner clinched a spot in the Championship game, and a qualifying game for 2 vs 3 was held for the other spot. This would remedy a situation like this year's, where Clemson literally played the bottom barrel of the ACC, whereas we had to play ACC teams with a pulse.

I do think it would be interesting if the regular season conference winner clinched a spot in the Championship game, and a qualifying game for 2 vs 3 was held for the other spot. This would remedy a situation like this year's, where Clemson literally played the bottom barrel of the ACC, whereas we had to play ACC teams with a pulse.
i think this only works if the ACC is guaranteed 2 spots in the playoff which I think the Big10 and SEC are unlikely to go along with unless they can guarantee themselves at 3 spots each, but I am guessing they would want 4. They already tried to do a guaranteed 3 spots for them and 2 for the ACC and Big12 and the ACC and Big12 balked at that. They have hinted at the time and again recently that that was likely the best deal the ACC was going to get and have talked about guaranteeing themselves 4 teams each.
Why is Tampa better than Miami? There are no Tampa based ACC teams.

It isn’t about being better than Miami, heck, there aren’t any Charlotte based ACC teams either.

The point I was making was that It simply eliminates the “home game” factor should we make the ACCCG - we’re already treated like the red-headed stepchild by the ACC - no way they’d approve the title game in our stadium.
I like the top 4 tourney. But it will eventually ***** somebody and bc going undefeated doesn’t matter, this will force somebody to not rest starters who are banged up bc they have to do this play in game, when they would otherwise have their spot locked up.
ACC has to stop wasting time trying to level a playing field designed to not be leveled. If I were them I would stop scheduling so many tough out of conference games. The bottom line with a 12 team, and individual 16 team playoff is if you have zero or one loss you’re most likely getting in even in the ACC.
What the ACC is tell ND to GTFOOH with this football contract. The ACC doesn’t schedule any of its member schools’ OOC games.
Its almost exactly that for me too. Where you at?

Ngl though, I was so cold at the 2017 championship game I swore I'd never go to a Dec game in Charlotte again. It was freezing *** cold again this year. I woulda been miserable out there if we had made it.
Ok, suggesting 2nd and 3rd teams play in ACC championship game. How is this a championship game? Other than being significant revenue producers, conference championship games serve no purpose in this age of expanded playoffs.
The single dumbest idea I have ever heard regarding a conference title game. Having a 4 team playoff is also idiotic. Gee, let's let our conference champion have to win yet another game to get to the playoffs.

Go back to two divisions and let the champs from each division play. This horse crap we have now, and what is being talked about, is stupid.

I swear, they over think this crap way too much. You can have each conference split into two divisions, have each division winner make the playoffs, and have each conference winner make the playoffs AND host at least the first round.