A word from a parent on recruiting

It is scary how much importance some of you place on the elements of recruiting; like it really matters on what 17 or 18 yr old kid signs with your adopted collegiate team and its impact in your life. "I really hope we get this kid", "If we get this kid, bring us the trophy", "This kid is a flat out stud".

I see articles posted where some kid choses LSU over UMiss and is getting death threats? Is this real life? No it certainly isn't. It's a fantasy lived out through distance and personal desires never met in most cases. It leads to criticism of coaches and players in years later, where the critique is either unfair or completely baseless.

These are still young men. Raw talents that in most cases will take 2 to 3 yrs to develop and turn into qualified leaders on the field. Young men who can compete for the squad in a manner of excellence befitting the jersey they seek to wear. It is a continuation of gladiator sport from eons past without the dying at the end (unless you go to the Swamp where they actually call for young men to die on the field in bloodsport befitting their backward nature).

There is cause that many NFL stars are so secluded and I understand that now more than ever. People start asking about my own kid who graduates next year from HS and thoughts do not turn to what he's interested in for his life, but where is he going to play college ball. Who his favorites are. Where he's thinking of visiting and frankly....it's none of their business. I know some parents are such familial promotors as to shame Don King in so doing, but they seek more than a spot for their son or daughter to play college athletics under a scholarship in preparation for their life. They seek fame and glory of their own on the backs of young children. This is what the corporate machine of FoxSports, ESPNU, and SCOUT have wrought. Few are enticed to willingly pay for information on children's lives.

It is for those reasons so many of us have chosen to stay quiet regarding the whole process and refuse entreaty to disclose all of the above.

What is so interesting about this process is that so few of these signees today will actually make impact next year. They will play minor roles at best. Neither of the young qb's will be starting next season. If one plays significant minutes it will be due to an injury, no more. Few HS Senior QB's are ready for the speed of the game at an advanced level.

I say to you, step back and understand that these are kids. They will make no impact on your life, only their own.


Based on your comments to Derp, I assume that you believe there is a reasonable scenario where I might make a death threat at your child and you would find that something that your kid should simply roll with, yes?

Am I reading you correctly here??

I am not Sugar and would agree with his comments on the death threats. However, if I was the boy’s father, I would explain to him that respecting an institution that people cherish is the appropriate thing to do. If you were not committing to said institution, it is disrespectful to announce that decision at a favored landmark. No need to show people up and rub it in their face. That act does not warrant death threats, but does speak volumes about the kid’s character.
Based on your comments to Derp, I assume that you believe there is a reasonable scenario where I might make a death threat at your child and you would find that something that your kid should simply roll with, yes?

Am I reading you correctly here??

If he had a specific comment concerning death threats, fine. Post it in the appropriate thread. No need to start a completely new one admonishing those who demonstrate an interest in learning who will be a part of the team they love and support over the next 3-5 years.

He actually used the word "scary" and followed it up with these quotes to illustrate his point: "I really hope we get this kid", "If we get this kid, bring us the trophy", "This kid is a flat out stud".

Anyone who thinks there's anything wrong with the aforementioned statements needs to lighten up. Bottom line.
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And LOL at calling Danny a booster. I too know the rules, sir, and you are taking everything here far too seriously/literally, those included.
Soooo....why are you even on the recruiting page then?

I happened to see a "Similar thread" mention in another forum mentioning the kid with death threats. So I followed it.

Look, there comes a point to where this is just far too invasive and really, did anyone have a clue who was in our 1979/1980 class? and say...that's a NC caliber squad he's putting together there?

Jim Kelly was the talk of the town, not Bernie and Vinny.

And yes, my kid is doing UnderArmour and Nike, not because we want to, but because we HAVE to now. Granted its a good thing to do since it exposes them to more coaches and makes it a more national showing, but I've come across people who have stupid draft/signing boards....for HS kids. Are you serious? How the **** is that going to benefit your life or theirs? DO what you want to do, but if this were turned around and it was 30-40 yr old men following 17 yr old girls you'd be calling the cops on them. Ok, maybe a few here wouldn't be depending on their body type, but you get my point.

I just think putting so much emphasis on needing ONE kid to make a class? That's bull****. If he blows his knee out as a Fr and can never play again...

And for perspective, someone needs to cut off Danny's fingers. Him contacting families is a booster action. I have the rules. I know what they are. He's acting as a booster and he could get the school in trouble if this ****** says the wrong thing. It affects the kid, the family, and school and HE isn't part of either.

I doubt Danny is a booster
Based on your comments to Derp, I assume that you believe there is a reasonable scenario where I might make a death threat at your child and you would find that something that your kid should simply roll with, yes?

Am I reading you correctly here??

If he had a specific comment concerning death threats, fine. Post it in the appropriate thread. No need to start a completely new one admonishing those who demonstrate an interest in learning who will be a part of the team they love and support over the next 3-5 years.

He actually used the word "scary" and followed it up with these quotes to illustrate his point: "I really hope we get this kid", "If we get this kid, bring us the trophy", "This kid is a flat out stud".

Anyone who thinks there's anything wrong with the aforementioned statements needs to lighten up. Bottom line.


Nothing wrong with rational people who follow recruiting. UM Football is my hobby, the same way fishing and golf are for other people. This keeps me entertained, and I keep it at a respectable level. I will never attempt to contact these kids or make any threats, at the end of the day they are usually decent kids working at what they love to do.

As a parent, you should not be condemning us either. The fact that we are this fanatical is what gets your son a FREE EDUCATION. If nobody gave a **** where these kids signed tomorrow, do you know how much you'd be paying so your kid can go to UM? Or any school of his choice? That's the gift and the curse for your son. Show him the right way to use this for his benefit and not to get caught up in all of the negatives of recruiting, that's your job not putting down the fans of the school he might want to attend.
Hmmmm..... I believe Derp has changed my mind about the whole recruiting business. I have put too much time on where a particular athlete chooses to go to college. I am going back to living my life.

Now I totally expect Derp to remove his son from football altogether so that he is not subjected to any potential abuses by hysterical football fans. I'm sure he realizes that the chances of his son sustaining a football injury that could seriously effect the quality of his son's adult life is way greater than him ever making it to the NFL. I'm also certain that Derp's high morals would not allow him to be percieved as a hypocrite for his son accepting a scholarship (free education) which is in part paid for by fans who support and contribute to college athletics.
Derp, I for one hope you don't take the couple of immature posters on here and think they are the majority. Some of these people take this wayyyy to serious. I enjoy it because it is exciting when a kid announces he is going to Miami or a kid is interested in Miami. Makes me proud to be a cane fan. Best of luck to your kid
Derp, I for one hope you don't take the couple of immature posters on here and think they are the majority. Some of these people take this wayyyy to serious. I enjoy it because it is exciting when a kid announces he is going to Miami or a kid is interested in Miami. Makes me proud to be a cane fan. Best of luck to your kid

Thanks, glad to see one person at least got my post. There were a few others who couldn't see the forest for the trees and took things out of context to create some boogeyman scenario in their twisted little brains. You were bring kind suggesting they are immature. WTF about removing him from football? LMAO....stretch if I ever saw one.

@Jen, here is the NCAA reg taken directly from their site:
Boosters play a role in providing student-athletes with a positive experience through their enthusiastic efforts. They can support teams and athletics departments through donations of time and financial resources which help student-athletes succeed on and off the playing field.

Boosters, referred to by the NCAA as “representatives of the institution’s athletic interests,” include anyone who has:

• Provided a donation in order to obtain season tickets for any sport at the university.

• Participated in or has been a member of an organization promoting the university’s athletics programs.
• Made financial contributions to the athletic department or to a university booster organization.

• Arranged for or provided employment for enrolled student-athletes.

• Assisted or has been requested by university staff to assist in the recruitment of prospective student-athletes.

• Assisted in providing benefits to enrolled student athletes or their families.

• Been involved otherwise in promoting university athletics.

Once an individual is identified as a “representative of the institution’s athletics interests,” the person retains that identity forever.

I can make a clear and evident argument Mr. Rivera is a booster should it come to a hearing. It's an argument. You have the rebuttal.