A more optimistic take after the game


Apr 10, 2017
Was very unfortunately unable to watch the game live being in Europe. Then got up and proceeded to jump through hoops for hours to get in touch with the county sheriffs office to get my stranded family off a barrier island completely decimated by the storm surge on the west coast.

Now finally able to de-stress by watching the game and talking ball.

Hot take: We did ******* good gents.

And I say this as someone who thought we win by 2+ touchdowns and was initially shocked at the score.

But this is college football. This is why this **** is so much better than the NFL. It’s crazy. It’s unpredictable. **** happens.

The **** that happened:
- Our secondary was exposed. Yikes. This was the biggest problem.
- Guys are banged up and we are missing them. Depth is not quite there yet.
- Cam had a bad day. And still willed us to victory.

We had bad breaks between the TOs and bogus zebra calls (surprise). That meant we were never allowed to get into a rhythm. Basically everything was breaking the other way. As has been said, any of the Canes teams in the last 20 years lose this game. Easy.

And we still found a way to win.

That takes ******* talent. It takes leadership, grit, and the pure effort of Arroyo the ******* cyborg sprinting back across the whole field like a cyborg terminator cheetah. Seriously that dudes combine is going to be insane.

What does that mean for my crazy insane Natty aspirations down the stretch? They have been tempered a bit, but not by much. Sue me. The big positives:

- It was good that the secondary was exposed now rather than much later. This is the best QB they will probably face all regular season in my opinion. They have time to have a come to Ed Reed moment and step up. They have to.
- Cam is Cam. Even on a bad day, that man has got it. We’re in every game thanks to him.
- We’re developing our depth as we speak. It’s cringe in the moment and too close for comfort, but again, better now than late in a long season.
- Team took a big dose of humility, and reaped the heart relief of benefits of grinding it out even in the middle of the suck. They are building resilience and grit and don’t need pure momentum to win games.

Any team in the last 20 years experience a game similar to this, I would say they are flawed. We are running on luck. In fact that’s largely what happened to the cardiac canes of 2017, not to dismiss the hard work and great moments those guys had. But this team, I have every bit of confidence will take this game and improve from it and only get better, health permitting.

Go Canes.

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Sorry about the decimation, but glad to guess all ended well with your family. Two sides to the coin: Ours ended on the up side of things, not by sheer luck, but by the positives you mentioned above.
They are safe and well after some anxious hours during the storm and then after when they ran out of battery and had no clear way out of the area between the debris and the destroyed cars. The entire neighborhood was decimated by several feet of surge from the ocean to the bay. As bad as it is, it’s all just stuff and can be rebuilt. I’m just happy they’re safe and glad our Canes can show that calm grit can get us out of most any situation.
Was very unfortunately unable to watch the game live being in Europe. Then got up and proceeded to jump through hoops for hours to get in touch with the county sheriffs office to get my stranded family off a barrier island completely decimated by the storm surge on the west coast.

Now finally able to de-stress by watching the game and talking ball.

Hot take: We did ******* good gents.

And I say this as someone who thought we win by 2+ touchdowns and was initially shocked at the score.

But this is college football. This is why this **** is so much better than the NFL. It’s crazy. It’s unpredictable. **** happens.

The **** that happened:
- Our secondary was exposed. Yikes. This was the biggest problem.
- Guys are banged up and we are missing them. Depth is not quite there yet.
- Cam had a bad day. And still willed us to victory.

We had bad breaks between the TOs and bogus zebra calls (surprise). That meant we were never allowed to get into a rhythm. Basically everything was breaking the other way. As has been said, any of the Canes teams in the last 20 years lose this game. Easy.

And we still found a way to win.

That takes ******* talent. It takes leadership, grit, and the pure effort of Arroyo the ******* cyborg sprinting back across the whole field like a cyborg terminator cheetah. Seriously that dudes combine is going to be insane.

What does that mean for my crazy insane Natty aspirations down the stretch? They have been tempered a bit, but not by much. Sue me. The big positives:

- It was good that the secondary was exposed now rather than much later. This is the best QB they will probably face all regular season in my opinion. They have time to have a come to Ed Reed moment and step up. They have to.
- Cam is Cam. Even on a bad day, that man has got it. We’re in every game thanks to him.
- We’re developing our depth as we speak. It’s cringe in the moment and too close for comfort, but again, better now than late in a long season.
- Team took a big dose of humility, and reaped the heart relief of benefits of grinding it out even in the middle of the suck. They are building resilience and grit and don’t need pure momentum to win games.

Any team in the last 20 years experience a game similar to this, I would say they are flawed. We are running on luck. In fact that’s largely what happened to the cardiac canes of 2017, not to dismiss the hard work and great moments those guys had. But this team, I have every bit of confidence will take this game and improve from it and only get better, health permitting.

Go Canes.
I am glad your family is safe.
They are safe and well after some anxious hours during the storm and then after when they ran out of battery and had no clear way out of the area between the debris and the destroyed cars. The entire neighborhood was decimated by several feet of surge from the ocean to the bay. As bad as it is, it’s all just stuff and can be rebuilt. I’m just happy they’re safe and glad our Canes can show that calm grit can get us out of most any situation.
Yeah, I watched one of the news clips showing the surge damage. My heart goes out to everyone there. It’s no fun having your life upended, living in waiting for normalcy to return.
Yeah, I watched one of the news clips showing the surge damage. My heart goes out to everyone there. It’s no fun having your life upended, living in waiting for normalcy to return.
Just waiting for the beaches to all reopen. The amount of debris to clean up is just massive.
Just waiting for the beaches to all reopen. The amount of debris to clean up is just massive.
I survived unscathed during Hurricane Andrew, lucky as one can be, but a drive down Old Cuttler Road and to Homestead was jarring, to say the least. Helen’s damage reminds me of that. A friend of mine and his family took refuge up north and when they came back, just the foundation was left. No personal belongings whatsoever. He told me he was a man of faith, and it could and would all be replaced, he was grateful his family was intact. Wish you well, brother.
Was very unfortunately unable to watch the game live being in Europe. Then got up and proceeded to jump through hoops for hours to get in touch with the county sheriffs office to get my stranded family off a barrier island completely decimated by the storm surge on the west coast.

Now finally able to de-stress by watching the game and talking ball.

Hot take: We did ******* good gents.

And I say this as someone who thought we win by 2+ touchdowns and was initially shocked at the score.

But this is college football. This is why this **** is so much better than the NFL. It’s crazy. It’s unpredictable. **** happens.

The **** that happened:
- Our secondary was exposed. Yikes. This was the biggest problem.
- Guys are banged up and we are missing them. Depth is not quite there yet.
- Cam had a bad day. And still willed us to victory.

We had bad breaks between the TOs and bogus zebra calls (surprise). That meant we were never allowed to get into a rhythm. Basically everything was breaking the other way. As has been said, any of the Canes teams in the last 20 years lose this game. Easy.

And we still found a way to win.

That takes ******* talent. It takes leadership, grit, and the pure effort of Arroyo the ******* cyborg sprinting back across the whole field like a cyborg terminator cheetah. Seriously that dudes combine is going to be insane.

What does that mean for my crazy insane Natty aspirations down the stretch? They have been tempered a bit, but not by much. Sue me. The big positives:

- It was good that the secondary was exposed now rather than much later. This is the best QB they will probably face all regular season in my opinion. They have time to have a come to Ed Reed moment and step up. They have to.
- Cam is Cam. Even on a bad day, that man has got it. We’re in every game thanks to him.
- We’re developing our depth as we speak. It’s cringe in the moment and too close for comfort, but again, better now than late in a long season.
- Team took a big dose of humility, and reaped the heart relief of benefits of grinding it out even in the middle of the suck. They are building resilience and grit and don’t need pure momentum to win games.

Any team in the last 20 years experience a game similar to this, I would say they are flawed. We are running on luck. In fact that’s largely what happened to the cardiac canes of 2017, not to dismiss the hard work and great moments those guys had. But this team, I have every bit of confidence will take this game and improve from it and only get better, health permitting.

Go Canes.
Good you got your family off - not much is being said about Helene on here - but I think it will be the costliest hurricane in Florida's history, and most of that occurred before landfall on the dirty side of the storm with record Storm Surge from Everglades City north.

I live on the Peace River in Punta Gorda - highest surge since the 1925 Hurricane - most every business downtown had 3-4 feet in it. They estimate it was an 8-foot surge which is more than Ft Myers downtown got in Ian. But those poor people on Ft Myers Beach who took 15-18, got another dose, not near Ian, but some were just reopening. Add the insurance crap (60 Minutes did a story last night) and its just awful.

I had to do the same and get my older sister and her husband out near Asheville, NC. As of now 30 of the 105 People killed by Helene, were in Buncomb Co, NC that it's in. Wicked storm that they weren't ready for and have little response for.
Yeah, I watched one of the news clips showing the surge damage. My heart goes out to everyone there. It’s no fun having your life upended, living in waiting for normalcy to return.
Yeah, its tough. I live in St. Pete. Areas that have never flooded did on Thursday. I got super lucky as the water stopped rising less than an inch before being high enough to enter my house. Per my neighbors who have been here 40 years, surge has never come close to that high, and has only topped our seawalls by a few inches in the past few years (houses are another 2.5-3 ft above our seawalls). Good friends in a lower area of the city got 3 ft of water in their house, so I spent the entire weekend helping them empty the house. They lost almost everything. The scary part is as bad as it was here, our area didn't get hit anywhere near as bad as other places.
Good you got your family off - not much is being said about Helene on here - but I think it will be the costliest hurricane in Florida's history, and most of that occurred before landfall on the dirty side of the storm with record Storm Surge from Everglades City north.

I live on the Peace River in Punta Gorda - highest surge since the 1925 Hurricane - most every business downtown had 3-4 feet in it. They estimate it was an 8-foot surge which is more than Ft Myers downtown got in Ian. But those poor people on Ft Myers Beach who took 15-18, got another dose, not near Ian, but some were just reopening. Add the insurance crap (60 Minutes did a story last night) and its just awful.

I had to do the same and get my older sister and her husband out near Asheville, NC. As of now 30 of the 105 People killed by Helene, were in Buncomb Co, NC that it's in. Wicked storm that they weren't ready for and have little response for.
Yeah, the surge impact was insane. Basically the entire Gulf coast of Florida experienced flooding.
I think Cristobal had to reign the attitudes in a bit at halftime when the week before they were similar but buckled down vs USF. This team is def reading their own press clipping last couple weeks because week 1-3 I didn’t see much show trash talking etc.
they need dial back in and realize every week they can be bitten and if they are feelin themselves enough to be all talk and not as focused it shows.
Yeah, its tough. I live in St. Pete. Areas that have never flooded did on Thursday. I got super lucky as the water stopped rising less than an inch before being high enough to enter my house. Per my neighbors who have been here 40 years, surge has never come close to that high, and has only topped our seawalls by a few inches in the past few years (houses are another 2.5-3 ft above our seawalls). Good friends in a lower area of the city got 3 ft of water in their house, so I spent the entire weekend helping them empty the house. They lost almost everything. The scary part is as bad as it was here, our area didn't get hit anywhere near as bad as other places.
My family is on one of the barrier islands. The entire island was submerged by several feet. They had what looks like 3-4ft in the house at least. Enough to rearrange the entire interior and carry debris everywhere. It's a disaster. They are lucky they had a 2nd floor to shelter in. Cars all totaled etc.
Good you got your family off - not much is being said about Helene on here - but I think it will be the costliest hurricane in Florida's history, and most of that occurred before landfall on the dirty side of the storm with record Storm Surge from Everglades City north.

I live on the Peace River in Punta Gorda - highest surge since the 1925 Hurricane - most every business downtown had 3-4 feet in it. They estimate it was an 8-foot surge which is more than Ft Myers downtown got in Ian. But those poor people on Ft Myers Beach who took 15-18, got another dose, not near Ian, but some were just reopening. Add the insurance crap (60 Minutes did a story last night) and its just awful.

I had to do the same and get my older sister and her husband out near Asheville, NC. As of now 30 of the 105 People killed by Helene, were in Buncomb Co, NC that it's in. Wicked storm that they weren't ready for and have little response for.
Thanks for the well wishes. It's truly a disaster and will take many months of work and repair.
I survived unscathed during Hurricane Andrew, lucky as one can be, but a drive down Old Cuttler Road and to Homestead was jarring, to say the least. Helen’s damage reminds me of that. A friend of mine and his family took refuge up north and when they came back, just the foundation was left. No personal belongings whatsoever. He told me he was a man of faith, and it could and would all be replaced, he was grateful his family was intact. Wish you well, brother.
We had to take a huge detour driving back to the Carolina’s yesterday and ended up through Tennessee

Crazy the flooding those people had to deal with when you wouldn’t think it would make it that far
I think Cristobal had to reign the attitudes in a bit at halftime when the week before they were similar but buckled down vs USF. This team is def reading their own press clipping last couple weeks because week 1-3 I didn’t see much show trash talking etc.
they need dial back in and realize every week they can be bitten and if they are feelin themselves enough to be all talk and not as focused it shows.
The kids need to stop talking to the media with their stupid questions that glorify even the tattoos they have. It’s mostly always the media the poisons our kids in Miami. One win and “Is the U back?” Two wins and they proclaim “The U is playoff/NC caliber.” Just stop it.