#7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

Lol you started that post by implying people who weren’t happy with our 6-5 record at the time were “Miami haters” so that’s probably part of why you were met with a strong reaction from some people who love Miami but were unhappy about being 6-5 at the time.

Since you made that post we finished the season with a dominate win at Boston college which was great and was a great and felt like the wins we got to start the year in September.

I’m not a mope and I’m not defending mopery, but I understand people being frustrated by a 12-12 start to Mario’s career.

I agree the team made huge progress this year even though we finished 7-5.

I’m happy that we landed a stud at a position of need and signs point to us closing out with more guys like him. Let’s just enjoy the good things for tonight though and not keep attacking other Miami fans lol


I put together a brief spreadsheet that ranked and compared our 2022 wins and losses (and margins) to our 2023 wins and losses.

Because, AS YOU ACCURATELY POINT OUT, it can be hard for mopers to "see the difference" between 5 wins and 6 wins (with 2 games to play).

I just wanted to see a graphical representation of where we had made year-over-year improvements. At no time was I claiming I was "happy" with 6 wins. I was not "satisfied". I never thought 6-5 was "good enough".

I didn't start **** with the Mope Squad on that thread. Go back and check it. The worms came out of the woodwork to give me ****, and to claim that I was somehow trumpeting "moral victories" and whatnot. Which just wasn't true.

Did I hit back? You're god**** right I did. But please don't misstate the truth by claming I "started that post" by calling out Miami haters. That just isn't true.

I was actually surprised by the vitriol of the Mope Squad over that otherwise innocent thread. All I wanted to do (as a guy with a Finance/Tax background) was to see a 2-year comparative to see where we had improved and where we had not yet improved. But no good deed goes unpunished on CIS.

Vince Mcmahon Wwe GIF
From Ferman's site:

“Miami never went away,” “Even after I committed to Ohio State, Miami stayed in the back of my mind. I started talking to the Miami coaches again a couple of weeks ago, and after having a talk with my mom, I made the decision to flip to Miami. I have known for about a week. Once I had that talk with my mom to let her know how I felt and found out she was OK with my decision, then I knew.”

“I reached out to Coach Salave’a about two weeks ago to let him know I wasn’t 100 percent with my commitment to Ohio State,” “I was having second thoughts and things happened kind of quickly from there. There weren’t too surprised when I told them because they always felt I wanted to be at Miami.

My biggest attraction to Miami was the coaches — how genuine they are, how they always treated me and they make me feel like part of their family.”
This tells me everything I need to know about our staff. They not a bunch of hoe$ they straight up and build solid relationships

There is a glimmer of a path here...

Flip Ahfua and/or land Pierre-Louis. Drop Minaya (and probably Nino if you get both, though he doesn't look bad).
Flip Blount. Drop Russell.
Land Mincey/Lucas. Drop Thomas/Day.

Add Lyle. Maybe flip Hayes. Sell the souls of all your children for a chance at JJ.

Might could be something nasty...
Squash that money nonsense. That's just an excuse. They may have threw in a sweetner, but Scott said it himself, "I reached out to coach Joe and told him I was having 2nd thoughts about Ohio State."

Enough said.
His NIL offer was significant back at the time of the initial decision as I understood it then. He picked Ohio State for whatever reason - I think the mom wanted him closer to home. I don’t think their NIL offer was more than ours.
Not sure if this has been said, but last cycle I would get annoyed when opposing fans said we only recruited well cause of Ruiz.

This cycle I got more annoyed when they said we’re broke, despite me bringing up the trajectory of last year’s class - a finish of Bain/Fletcher/Okunlola/Damari/Achaempong/CJohnson/others I may be forgetting.

Now, **** it man spin whatever narrative you want, keep saying it’s only cause of bags - Mario can croot with the absolute best of them.
Gotta love how osu acts like they don't have one of the best nil packages in the country. 😂 oh can't wait to see the momentum this brings. Dogs want to play with dogs right?
Can say what you want bout him as a coach but that man a dog on that trail
I’ve always said Mario reminds me of Butch Davis. Great recruiter, great player developer, great at talent evaluation, knows how to build a roster, but he’s not a good game day coach