4th and 1 down 8 ... punt???

I was wondering why they kept going away from the power run game when it worked all ******* game long. RUN THE GOD**** BALL DOWN THEIR ******* THROATS!!!!!!

I want an attacking defense. If we go down so be it, at least we hit first. This bend but dont break philosophy is for losers
I was wondering why they kept going away from the power run game when it worked all ******* game long. RUN THE GOD**** BALL DOWN THEIR ******* THROATS!!!!!!

All season long Ive been begging for a half dozen carries a game for Mo Hagens. Did you see how difficult is was to tackle him on those two swing passes he caught? They've been giving him about a half a carry a game and its always up the 1 & 2 holes. RUn the big boi off tackle a handful of times a game, especially early. Linebackers ******* hate having to tackle that guy. THAT is how you soften up a defense for other things!!
why is he not using Clements...the kid has the goods...on 3rd down he is money

Gus aint the answer man..he should be in Syracuse..