2023 4 Star Safety - Jayden Bonsu, NJ - Committing 08/14 @ 4pm

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I was saying the same thing to my buddy the other day. I didn't think it was fair to take personal shots on kids who were working hard and putting on for their school. I would comment on their play or bonehead things off the field, but i would never use a term like JAG or take personal shots at kids. But the moment you start pushing all this NIL stuff, making it just as much (if not more) about the money and attention that goes with it, both of which are supposed to justify how good you are, you open yourself up for major criticism. That's how it works in any business......so once you make it a business, you best be ready for it.
Yep. It's nothing personal against them at all, they can enjoy the recruiting process all they want but too many people treat them with kid gloves like they're babies. Some of them are 17 about to be 18, legal adults who can vote & fight for this country if need be yet calling out clout chasing behavior on social media is crossing some type of line somehow lol they make the conscious choices to present themselves a certain way. Actions have consequences at any age, whether we like it or not.

That is over simplifying what this is. And you are not being intellectually honest by presenting it in a mocking tone.

You could easily say “grown men running a website that follows a bunch of kids” or “grown men getting excited because a bunch of kids play a game”.

I assume you are a grown man and you yourself are on this FANATIC message board.

College football is a multi billion dollar business fueled by fan bases. It is perfectly rational for vested fans to get emotional over free agent signings.
I don’t take shots at kids and let them dictate my emotional well being. I don’t follow them around on social media and comment on their posts either like some do. So no, it’s not an oversimplification. It’s exactly what it is.
“Red flag” “Priorities are out of Wack” taking kid’s behavior to heart as an adult, isn’t a clear example of this? This is a huge projection. This is the mayonnaise calling the wonder bread, white.
I don't take none of this to heart sweetie. Idc where many of these kids go, especially with how fluid things have become this last year or 2. Im Just observing and its not a good look, imo. But ofcourse someone that has a different opinion than u is always wrong.

Now carry on living ur little tortured life pobresita. Try to stop spreading ur misery. Just keep it moving.
I don't take none of this to heart sweetie. Idc where many of these kids go, especially with how fluid things have become this last year or 2. Im Just observing and its not a good look, imo. But ofcourse someone that has a different opinion than u is always wrong.

Now carry on living ur little tortured life pobresita. Try to stop spreading ur misery. Just keep it moving.
More projecting, it’s all U do. Attack soft targets
Nobody smokes Reggies anymore.

As someone who smokes dank, you should know that, Frank.
Dudes in here justifying being "critical" of high-school Juniors 😂. Acting like an 18 year old is a grown man when they still years away from being able to enter a **** bar and get a drink.

Let the kids enjoy their moment, regardless of if they decide to rep this U or not.

EDIT: And saying criticism of the PERSON (not their performance) is fair because they getting NIL deals is a terrible argument. Half the people who talk crazy about these athletes would be starstruck and quiet as a mouse in person.
This whole debate is dumb.. Adult or kid, famous or not, it doesn’t matter.

What gives anyone the right, or motivation for that matter, to talk **** about what someone else chooses to do in their life? If you have emotions that strong about something someone is doing… talk to your spouse, or keep it to your **** self. Y’all are way to motivated to spew venom at people you don’t know just because what they do doesn’t fit what you think should be done. There is literally no real reason to go out of your way to diss someone else on the internet for their life decisions just because you are mad or want to be hurtful… or cool.

“They are 17-18 that makes them adults, so I can talk **** about them while sitting behind this computer all I want” … bunch of lames

“Social media made folks way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it” - Mike Tyson
Honestly this kid deserves some respect for the hustle …isn’t he the one turning the insanity of college football fans into an NFT scam?

This kind of grifter instinct would flourish in Miami, would hate to see him waste his talent in Ohio of all places, bunch of wannabe UFC lames.
U are soft but ur definitely not a target lol but let's agree to disagree. I don't comment on ur **** don't comment on mine. It's pointless, just keep scrolling. Let it ride bro.
I’m not letting anything ride. Your posts only attack women (Tyrique Stevenson’s mother) and kids, that’s literally soft and U contradict yourself endlessly. A big Projection.
Man if you think what they’re doing is bad you shoulda seen the **** I was doing when I was 17 and 18.

Thank god MySpace and LiveJournal are hidden away forever.

You ever remember something you did when you were younger and try to scream it out of existence?
Oh ****! I thought I was the only one that did that
I don’t take shots at kids and let them dictate my emotional well being. I don’t follow them around on social media and comment on their posts either like some do. So no, it’s not an oversimplification. It’s exactly what it is.
Using that logic you shouldn’t follow college football because it’s played by kids. Either that or you’re peripheral fan who really doesn’t care if Miami wins or losses.

Our QB is 20, that’s a child. Malik rosier had baby fuzz on his face when the entire fanbase was going after him, Duke was 19 when then entire fanbase was started rocking his jersey and rooting for him, Sean Taylor was 18 on that 2001 squad.

Unless you are going to say as soon as they commit/sign to school then it’s fair game to be emotional vested then you are not not being intellectually honest. And even then your line for “adulthood” is arbitrary.

Dj Ivey, pope, Wiggins and rob Knowles have taken a beaten on these boards for their mistakes and the bulk of there ****ups all happened before they turned 21. Are they fair game? Did you exempt yourself and give them a pass? Again, where is your line for when it is acceptable to be emotional vested?

Did you cheer when rashada or Francis commit?

I said nothing about taking shots or any social media stuff that’s an entirely different conversation but taking shots at fans for being emotional vested in the decisions these athletes make and then hiding behind the excuse of “they are kids is weak sauce”.

Ps: you are on a recruiting board on a fanatic site, I’d say you yourself are emotionally invested whether you want to admit it or not. Just be real dude, you may not like it but this is where we all are
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I’m not letting anything ride. Your posts only attack women (Tyrique Stevenson’s mother) and kids, that’s literally soft and U contradict yourself endlessly. A big Projection.
Just out of curiosity, why is attacking women “soft”? Are they a protected class?
Just out of curiosity, why is attacking women “soft”? Are they a protected class?
Yes. Or, for that matter: Why attack anyone? Whats wrong with criticizing a player or a parent or a recruit without a personal insult behind it? Can't be that hard. If Mark Pope can't catch the ball, just say that. Thats enough lol
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FWIW, Bill Kurelik, the OSU 247 main guy feels it's still Miami for Bonsu. " I haven't been told anything that makes me feel differently at this point."

"Ohio State has been and is still recruiting him. He is a top target and has been for a long time. But right now it's still Miami for him. That doesn't mean that could not change which is the reason I haven't CB'd him to Miami. But right now I'm told it's still Miami for him. And we will see on Wednesday what happens with Downs."
Heavy criticism for what exactly?

What did Jayden Bonsu do that would warrant heavy criticism?

It’s why I don’t do any of this social media stuff other than FB and I mainly use that for messenger to stay in contact with people.

That way I don’t care one way or the other what KIDS do on whichever one they’re on cause most times I have no fcking clue what is the meaning of whatever it is they decide to do…

I don’t think I’ve ever figured out what a tweet said or who it came from or who it’s too….🤷‍♂️🥴
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