2023 4 Star Safety - Jayden Bonsu, NJ - Committing 08/14 @ 4pm

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the cool down is what I miss the most. the NE gets hot as **** too in the summer but there is a cool down and a winter to give you a break. the best cool down we have is 1 day of 65

Haha yeah I used to come fishing in Florida after Christmas for like 4 years straight and going from 30’s to **** near 90’s in December was wild but **** in Nashville it still stayed up in the 70’s in December recent years. Nashville was as far north as I would ever live. It still got pretty cold and had snow but was also hot as **** during the summer.

For now Florida seems to be the end state for us but we will see what life brings us.

I love ATL. it is my ideal city if we were ever to leave Florida. its got a mix of both city and suburban, higher average income than anywhere in Florida, and actual seasons and not this bull**** we like to claim is paradise when tis really 94 and sticky year round
I like to say that in Atlanta we are always ready for the seasons to change but they never last too long. By the end of summer we are tired of the heat, and so on. The seasons last just long enough, but not too long. I grew up in Michigan and the winter lasted far too long and summer was far too short.
I love the heat but it is nice to get a break for a few months. And then I'm ready for the heat again.
I like to say that in Atlanta we are always ready for the seasons to change but they never last too long. By the end of summer we are tired of the heat, and so on. The seasons last just long enough, but not too long. I grew up in Michigan and the winter lasted far too long and summer was far too short.
I love the heat but it is nice to get a break for a few months. And then I'm ready for the heat again.
You going to the Clemson game?

I’m a little torn on that one. It’s a pretty easy drive for me but still not sure I actually want to BE THERE
This chick fil a business sounds alot. I’ll pass. Appreciate the interest on me owning one. 😂
Does the staff want both Bonsu and Aguero? Or is it whoever commits first?


Yes, both lol.
I had an option with Arby's to do some NNN leases; really as many as we wanted since the franchisors are always looking to make these deals. But as you noted the ROI is very low on these investments. It's an extremely stable investment so I can see the appeal to someone who just wants a very specific fixed income but I can't live off 3%.

Thanks for the info. I think we have given @gogeta4 enough Chik-Fil-A info for him to decide which woman to be pursued by.
To be fair it would have been a steady 3% PLUS all the Beef and cheddar sandwiches you can eat. That may have tipped the scales for my fat a$$ if I was in on it

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