4 more days for a Portal WR. Tell me the good news.

Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF by Leroy Patterson

Quick question…he as to be in the portal today, right? But a college has 48 hours to put him in the portal upon notification, right? What if Pitt’s compliance department just slow walks putting him in so that he misses the deadline?
Doesn't work like that. Player HAS TO NOTIFY HIS SCHOOL BY MAY 1ST. Doesn't matter how long the school takes to process paperwork. Player's notification time / date is the factor.
Then man gonna be making more this year in college than he will in the NFL next year
Its magically dropped to just under two. I don’t buy these numbers being thrown out. I’ve seen some Nil stuff from a big Nil school in the sec and it’s not adding up. That thing was like reading an old cell phone contract from 2003.
More seriously, I’d almost prefer to wait for the Marlins franchise to move out of Miami. Then take that stadium, tear it down, and rebuild THE ORANGE BOWL. And buy one original seat for the old OB from a fan and install it somewhere in the structure, so that you can say it’s really just a renovation of the original building (Ship of Thesus style).
Now that's an Idea I would be 100% in on.
Option 1: Start buying property next to the campus. Lots of houses. Very expensive, and politically infeasible

Option 2: Drain Lake Osceola and put it there. Ugly, and what does one do with the alligators, crocodiles, manatees, tarpon, barracuda, and foul tempered ducks?

Option 3: Hecht and Stanford are being closed down, right? Those brutalist dorms were pretty sturdy. I say we put the new stadium ON TOP of the towers. If it can work with Legos, it can work in real life.
whoever believes and espouses that a stadium should or could be built on campus or within the city of coral gables should be banned for life because among other things it means you understand NOTHING about the campus or the city within which it is located
Option 1: Start buying property next to the campus. Lots of houses. Very expensive, and politically infeasible

Option 2: Drain Lake Osceola and put it there. Ugly, and what does one do with the alligators, crocodiles, manatees, tarpon, barracuda, and foul tempered ducks?

Option 3: Hecht and Stanford are being closed down, right? Those brutalist dorms were pretty sturdy. I say we put the new stadium ON TOP of the towers. If it can work with Legos, it can work in real life.
I had a friend who would drunkenly catch the ducks and release them in people's dorm rooms. If that helps with #2