2025 OT Lamar Williams de-commits

Denis was a kid i didnt want to recruit when Manny was here and i was shocked Mario took him to Oregon let alone brought him here...but im guessing getting him to oregon was getting a south florida piece.

Denis was a depth rotational at best guy at either place i dont think he wouldve beaten out Clark hurt or not.

Either way, those two guys improved the two deep. This whole discussion is crazy. We see the type of OL Mario wants. It's guys like Coop, Francis, Pancake, Kinsler, McCoy. If he brings in another kid without those guys' traits, it's because they fill an urgent existing hole, and can plug into Mario's culture.
It's time to allow coaches to publicly comment on these type situations after NSD. Too much money not to. Give the fans what they want. Jerry Springer style. WE DROPPED THAT SUCKA LIKE A BAD HABIT. ::crowdgoeswild::

:: PopsFraggleMeds ::
Your wife is ugly! In a Donald J. Trump voice.