2025 HS Baseball Season

Doral Academy's last two games
MLB Agent Henry Vilar and Father of former Hurricane 2B Anthony Vilar is the color commentator for the St Brendan game

Players to look at and follow
- RHP Arron Elissalt SR Committed to Chipola (JUCO)

- 3B/2B Gabriel Milano SR Committed to Miami

- 2B Dylan Prince SR Committed to Bryant

- 1B Gavin Ruvacalba SO

CF George Pardo Jr SR Committed to Palm Beach State (JUCO)

RF Caleb Hernandez FR

DH Bryan Mesa Jr FR

Other players they have
JR Bryan Ravelo Committed to LSU

- https://www.perfectgame.org/Players/Playerprofile.aspx?ID=695260
- https://www.perfectgame.org/players/playerprofile.aspx?ID=711251
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Miami Dade Games to follow today
Orlando Vs Dade matchup
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Dade County vs Georgia Matchup
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who do they have? Only player they really have is committed to NSU. We stole their best player #CPride
They got Miguel Diaz the pitcher was dade county pitcher of the year as a freshman I think his underrated throwing around 90 , 91 also there transfer Marcelo Torres has 3 Homeruns already and Brayan Martinez is one of the best players on the team kid hit 0ver 440 last season great contact hitter.magana is a great hitter just doesn’t have any position defensively he will probably end up being a first baseman or Dh at next level he could hit and has great power so good for you that he’s at Columbus,but Braddock got a good team