2024 2024 DE Colin Simmons receives offer (commits to Texas)

Well I was specifically mentioned so I feel kinda honored. I don't think I have ever mentioned Cristobal being on the hot seat. That would be a ridiculous take. If people want to say I'm King Mope for saying UM footballl was unspeakably bad and unwatchable in 2022, then I accept the crown. As pushing the limit, I've always been a fan of overly polite villains in movies. I try not to be rude or insulting. That would be bad manners.

Now for recruiting - Cristobal was hired because he was supposed to be an elite recruiter. I don't think that is in dispute. So far the results don't match the reputation. Slurpers say just wait until he starts winning and recruiting will get back on track. My "controversial" view is that almost any coach can recruit well when the team is winning, but an elite recruiter should still be able to sell a 5 win program to recruits. Maybe there is a little drop in the class, but it shouldn't from #7 to the high teens. Something isnt clicking. Either he isn't able to sell his vision to 5 star recruits or the NIL money isn't there.

Obviously there is still time- if he lands a bunch of top recruits before NSD and I'll be the first to say he earned his paycheck. But I believe it's fair to say that if some UM fan had been living in a cave for the last three years and just stepped back into the world, and you told him that UM currently has the #18 class, he would probably guess that Manny Diaz was still the HC.
Mentioning u specifically was unintentional. Was referencing people and their nicknames they are creating for Mario. Not gonna read beyond the first sentence. Just didn't want u thinking anything was specifically about u. I honestly don't pay mind to who posts what when I read stuff. I just read the content and move on.

These are Oil men. They wait until last minute and up the blick. Gonna go watch some twitch streams till 5.
Report cards are permanent. Verbal commits are not. It doesnt take alot to change the complexion of our class. Also i factor in the portal. Concerns are fine, i speak of that, i raise my own. But to say he been a disappointment in recruiting is a big much. Imo
Wasn’t it brought up in here that 80% of kids stick with their verbals? Seems like it’s more permanent than people would make you believe.
Feel like we’ve been out of this for a while and will be classic CIS panic and anger when he ends up at LSU or Texas. The schools that have been mentioned in it for the last few weeks
Tried to warn everyone but in true CIS fashion they had to get their hopes up and now we will see angry posts about losing/missing and how recruiting is a mess. This was never happening idk why ppl do this