2024 2024 DE Colin Simmons receives offer (commits to Texas)

What if your offer is as good or better as some schools ? Just keep paying more and outbidding yourself for every kid ? I have news for people thats not smart and has no longevity. We aren’t broke but we aren’t balling on that level and few are. What UF is doing this class won’t last. Especially with no long term plan or success. What they’re doing is desperation especially after their NIL **** show last year.

Fact is we’ve went high level recruiting this year and into even deeper waters than last year. **** near every top kid on our board was a national elite recruit. To play in that section of the pool you better have a lot going for yourself. You aren’t in the running or the top threes of any of those guys if you are “ broke “.
When you swing for the fences, your strikeouts will increase.

I'm glad I have a coach that isn't scared to go against the big boys in recruiting

It’s easy to say “ just pay more for everyone when it’s not your money or you haven’t paid anything in“. You can’t just throw money at every recruit and think that’ll last. It also doesn’t guarantee long term success.

At some point most high level kids want to see a program thats winning , developing players , getting a lot of guys drafted and putting them in schemes to make them successful. On top of that we’ve lost a good amount of kids when we had much better offers. But people here don’t know that so they can just spew the “ we’re broke” narrative and make the same repetitive jokes.

The teams that continue to be the most successful / consistent in recruiting are the ones that are the most successful / consistent on Saturdays. Everyone else just comes and goes. Fading in and out. That’s not an excuse , that’s just facts.

If Miami says they aren’t concerned and are sticking to their game plan we’ll eventually know if the game plan was correct or not. Tbh I feel better with that answer than “ omg , what’s happening ? Just throw money at everyone, we’re losing guys“. At no point have I ever got that vibe or feel. They’ve remained the same even if I have been looking side eyed lol.

As someone whose YT show commits dozens of dollars to our NIL I am highly offended at your opening remark (sarcasm before the mob attacks me).

We’re on the same page, wait and see basically. They’ll be plenty of time to criticize or eat crow later. I’m skeptical at this point but the season can change perception quickly.
@Brooklyndee what is this, never give a player more than he is worth? For me its what is he worth to your program. There are no salary caps or wage structure. When UF man were whining last year i said it, ill say it for us now. U not returning to prominence on the cheap. Of course there is reasonable and unreasonable. But we been dog dung. So we either wanna win or we gonna whine. The choices.
Bear Bryant famously said to his assistants, "Never pay more than what a kids Worth"
avalanche dat GIF

Feels more and more like Mario is basically betting on a big turn around on the field this year. Not going to overpay/ pay the suck tax for the big guys right now and is hoping that a strong showing on the field makes some guys reconsider. I think we will be solid on the field this year so I think it could pay off but it's a MASSIVE gamble. All it takes is an injury to TVD for this season to go off the rails.
Agree. But Mario has a long history of recruiting why should he change after a handful of misses on big fish? Especially in early August. He trusts his history of recruiting success even if we have 20 years of doubt.

That's a fair response, considering Mario (and Zo's to an extent) resume. He's betting on himself and his plan. And unlike every coach we've had in the last 20 years (minus Richt), Mario has the resume to back it up. We'll see how it pans out come signing day.
Feels more and more like Mario is basically betting on a big turn around on the field this year. Not going to overpay/ pay the suck tax for the big guys right now and is hoping that a strong showing on the field makes some guys reconsider. I think we will be solid on the field this year so I think it could pay off but it's a MASSIVE gamble. All it takes is an injury to TVD for this season to go off the rails.
I don’t think that’s the plan. The plan was to hit on more guys than we have and we’ve missed. That’s just the truth. That said i think we land some guys before it’s all said and done. I never bought the top five stuff but I also don’t buy the negativity of a bad class. Imo we’re still in a safe spot to get to the range we need. And 18 doesn’t cut it.
I don’t think that’s the plan. The plan was to hit on more guys than we have and we’ve missed. That’s just the truth. That said i think we land some guys before it’s all said and done. I never bought the top five stuff but I also don’t buy the negativity of a bad class. Imo we’re still in a safe spot to get to the range we need. And 18 doesn’t cut it.
You've maintained the whole time where you thought we stood in terms of where we finished as a class. I think what's getting people weirded out is that most of the names we have been hearing and "felt good about" are the ones that are going elsewhere. Now it's likely going to depend on names we haven't heard to get us to where we need to be which is a rough spot to be in at this time of the year.
I don’t think that’s the plan. The plan was to hit on more guys than we have and we’ve missed. That’s just the truth. That said i think we land some guys before it’s all said and done. I never bought the top five stuff but I also don’t buy the negativity of a bad class. Imo we’re still in a safe spot to get to the range we need. And 18 doesn’t cut it.
Starts tomorrow
I don’t think that’s the plan. The plan was to hit on more guys than we have and we’ve missed. That’s just the truth. That said i think we land some guys before it’s all said and done. I never bought the top five stuff but I also don’t buy the negativity of a bad class. Imo we’re still in a safe spot to get to the range we need. And 18 doesn’t cut it.
Never cared for the top 5 stuff either. Am glad if we did, but top 10, 8 7, i was fine with. Providing we did top 3, DL class or class similar to last year's OL class like the rumblings were saying. Made that pretty clear. We could get 4, 5 star WRs and have a top 5 class. Would that be good if we have like nothing but project DL, i dont think so.

2 guys i thought we were likely to get are already off the board in Scott and Stewart. And the rest we now banking on i thought were long shots. Where do we turn?
The other factor that isn’t being talked about is that the NiL market is still settling in.

We were at the forefront last year and according to most did it better than anyone. Not the amounts but the structure. Now this year a bunch of schools have figured some things out but are likely overspending to try and self correct. And some of the big names who looked bad (like Oklahoma) are trying to go really big. Sark is at a make or break year so he is rallying the troops to keep spending.

Uga, Osu, and Bama don’t have to overspend in a lot of cases. They pay well but put kids in the league and win.

That next tier of school isn’t going to just keep pumping money out beyond maybe 4-5 schools. So the bidding will start to come down. In 2-3 years when this first cycle of NIL kids come through and a few big spenders are seeing 9-4 records or worse and monster payments to kids who have done nothing things will adjust.

We need to win more and look good doing it this year. This class will be fine and hopefully even if it’s just in the 8-14 range we develop…which is another notch on our belts moving forward.
It’s easy to say “ just pay more for everyone when it’s not your money or you haven’t paid anything in“. You can’t just throw money at every recruit and think that’ll last. It also doesn’t guarantee long term success.

At some point most high level kids want to see a program thats winning , developing players , getting a lot of guys drafted and putting them in schemes to make them successful. On top of that we’ve lost a good amount of kids when we had much better offers. But people here don’t know that so they can just spew the “ we’re broke” narrative and make the same repetitive jokes.

The teams that continue to be the most successful / consistent in recruiting are the ones that are the most successful / consistent on Saturdays. Everyone else just comes and goes. Fading in and out. That’s not an excuse , that’s just facts.

If Miami says they aren’t concerned and are sticking to their game plan we’ll eventually know if the game plan was correct or not. Tbh I feel better with that answer than “ omg , what’s happening ? Just throw money at everyone, we’re losing guys“. At no point have I ever got that vibe or feel. They’ve remained the same even if I have been looking side eyed lol.

That all sounds good in theory but I would just take a step back and ask "ok, so how is that philosophy working out for them?" We have the 18th ranked class and the lowest ranked class in the big 3.

With all the realignment stuff going on, I just hope they have a sense of urgency at Miami and are willing to read the tea leaves and adjust. This isn't just another recruiting cycle IMO, we need to show, now more than ever, that we're committed to football and to winning.