do you think it's fair to hope changes are made by the national championship game next week? Some chatter in other places that's the timeline.
BY the championship game? Or AROUND the time of the championship game?
I think there are two aspects to this.
One could be very specific. As in "if Riley is realistic, he will be available to talk after the national championship game". Therefore, in that specific instance, we could expect a change around that time.
The other could be very general. At the same time (post-NC-game), the coaching convention opens up. Which is apparently how Dykes found Riley. Thus, in that general timeframe, we could also expect a change around that time.
I've told a few people what I believe and have heard about two areas.
First, the business of "coaching changes" is about to pick up in the next week. Lots of changes, thus lots of opportunities, and lots of hirings.
Second, whether any POSTERS agree, I believe that Mario felt he was in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. If he is AT THIS TIME unprepared to hire a new OC (for whatever reason, including professional courtesy, candidates still coaching, and/or new OC might bring a few position coaches), then the simple "firing" of Gattis might be just as problematic as "keeping him for now".
And I get that the most hardcore/hard-headed posters will say that they don't care about the other implications. But TO MARIO (and I am not justifying or rationalizing, simply trying to explain an alternate analysis), he would have a situation where there IS NO OC during December recruiting, which could be EQUALLY a subject for negative recruiting ("why go to Miami, you don't even know who your OC is yet"). Not to mention, being short on manpower, which is exactly what Mario dealt with last year.
And I know, I know, some will argue "but Mario creates his own problems by not hiring guys faster". Sure. But IF IT DOES TURN OUT that the leading targets were guys still coaching (and knowing FULL WELL that was one of Mario's non-negotiables last year, he himself wanted the chance to coach Oregon through the Pac 12 championship and playoff selection process), why would we think that Mario would do something different when it comes to coordinators?
Again, that's not a "Mario's way is the right way" defense. It's just an observation of how he is behaving and why he might be doing that.
Everything I've heard leads me to believe that Gattis will be working elsewhere next year.
And if that DOES NOT come into fruition, I will be very frustrated and angry. For the DECISION to retain Gattis, but not for the failure of the "prediction" to come true.
Separately, there are always some porsters who try to force PERSONAL accountability on those who relate information they've been told. Nothing I say or do changes that. I hope everything I've heard about Gattis moving on comes to pass, for sooooo many reasons.