2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

You’d lose half the board.
Tonight Show Comedian GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

He didn’t mention track at all. The dude has BC and Psu in his top schools lol and I doubt they have elite track programs

He's a top 100 recruit and you think his offer sheet based on football alone is only USC, Oregon, us, PSU, BC, and Zona?

Two of those teams field elite T&F teams. There's a reason the usual suspects aren't on him, the elite football schools. They know the deal and you have to read between the lines.

Some college reporter calls you up, you're going to be polite and say whatever to answer their questions.

The fastest kid in the country at his age, he doesn't have to say anything about T&F, it's a foregone conclusion what's going to be a huge deciding factor, if not the deciding factor.

Sometimes you have to connect the dots.
I'd rather bring in a guy like this as opposed to a guy like Thad Franklin. At least he has at least speed he can bring top the field and the track team. Franklin brings nothing... kinda like a guy like Worsham
I'd rather bring in a guy like this as opposed to a guy like Thad Franklin. At least he has at least speed he can bring top the field and the track team. Franklin brings nothing... kinda like a guy like Worsham
I kinda get it, Im a speed guy too but they play different positions. If Thad can be a hammer type, that thunder type that you hate to tackle late in games, there is value in that.. I just dont know if he is that type, we will find out..
I wonder what the cost of taking track up to the next level would be? Baylor and Texas Tech are up there so it’s not impossible.

Good question. They're certainly helped by being in Texas like we are being in Florida. Both states produce a ton of sprinters. UF and FSU have both had it going on, but we never have seemed to outside of a couple of women. Yes, the cost of tuition here is expensive, so we'd have to at least start handing out full rides. Beyond that, major upgrades everywhere.

There might also be some additional costs associated with Title IX compliance. This isn't really in my wheel house, but my understanding is once a school provides financial assistance, Title IX comes into play and there's a certain level of matching required between male and female athletes. So if there is an uptick in men's track & field scholarships offered, I think UM would need to match those scholarships for female athletes (not necessarily in track, but across women's athletics). And if there are enough new male scholarships being offered, that could potentially require a new female athletics program (for example, if UM has maxed out scholarships across the other female sports).

I'm sure there are people on the board with more knowledge on this subject who can chime in, but when it comes to putting more financial assistance and money into certain male sports, my (limited) understanding is that often requires putting more financial assistance and money into female sports.
There might also be some additional costs associated with Title IX compliance. This isn't really in my wheel house, but my understanding is once a school provides financial assistance, Title IX comes into play and there's a certain level of matching required between male and female athletes. So if there is an uptick in men's track & field scholarships offered, I think UM would need to match those scholarships for female athletes (not necessarily in track, but across women's athletics). And if there are enough new male scholarships being offered, that could potentially require a new female athletics program (for example, if UM has maxed out scholarships across the other female sports).

I'm sure there are people on the board with more knowledge on this subject who can chime in, but when it comes to putting more financial assistance and money into certain male sports, my (limited) understanding is that often requires putting more financial assistance and money into female sports.
Female track would probably a good place for added scholarships???
There might also be some additional costs associated with Title IX compliance. This isn't really in my wheel house, but my understanding is once a school provides financial assistance, Title IX comes into play and there's a certain level of matching required between male and female athletes. So if there is an uptick in men's track & field scholarships offered, I think UM would need to match those scholarships for female athletes (not necessarily in track, but across women's athletics). And if there are enough new male scholarships being offered, that could potentially require a new female athletics program (for example, if UM has maxed out scholarships across the other female sports).

I'm sure there are people on the board with more knowledge on this subject who can chime in, but when it comes to putting more financial assistance and money into certain male sports, my (limited) understanding is that often requires putting more financial assistance and money into female sports.

One way to skirt that issue would be NIL deals that pay enough to let them take their partial scholarship and pay whatever extra tuition costs.

Then again, they could get both at other schools, in particular the ones that offer full scholarships and then a NIL deal.
Female track would probably a good place for added scholarships???

If there's space, sure, but that's a serious "if". Title IX doesn't have any sports exclusions that I am aware of. So for schools with 80+ young men on football scholarships, they often end up distributing a bunch of scholarships among women's sports just to offset football. I have no idea what the numbers are at UM, but I'd bet the women's team is much closer to the track scholarship cap than the men's team.
One way to skirt that issue would be NIL deals that pay enough to let them take their partial scholarship and pay whatever extra tuition costs.

Then again, they could get both at other schools, in particular the ones that offer full scholarships and then a NIL deal.

Agreed. The NIL definitely helps. Even if its half scholarships supplemented by NIL vs. full scholarships, that could make a difference. And it would have to be 100% better than what the track program is doing now.
There might also be some additional costs associated with Title IX compliance. This isn't really in my wheel house, but my understanding is once a school provides financial assistance, Title IX comes into play and there's a certain level of matching required between male and female athletes. So if there is an uptick in men's track & field scholarships offered, I think UM would need to match those scholarships for female athletes (not necessarily in track, but across women's athletics). And if there are enough new male scholarships being offered, that could potentially require a new female athletics program (for example, if UM has maxed out scholarships across the other female sports).

I'm sure there are people on the board with more knowledge on this subject who can chime in, but when it comes to putting more financial assistance and money into certain male sports, my (limited) understanding is that often requires putting more financial assistance and money into female sports.
Track and field scholarships can be for either indoor or outdoor.

For ATHLETIC scholarships, they’re technically determined by division level - for example D1 teams can offer 12.6 equivalency scholarships while small NAIA programs offer 12 equivalency scholarships.

Those have already been divided like that because of Title IX. UM as a private school is at a massive disadvantage for equivalency scholarships sports, based on the surface level interpretation of the scholarship.

Now obviously there are nuances such as financial aid based on income or academic achievement but we can’t just start offering every track recruit a full athletic scholarship.

However, if you are to give a kid a full ride, it would be someone like this kid on an Olympic trajectory.
I really, really hope T&F is able to get in on the current miami financial commitment resurrection. Win/win for multiple sports programs
Theres no way Univ of Miami Track team should suck like they do.

All these caribbean athletes in the real vicinity who would easily choose to come here. They need to put some more funds for full or half schollies...and hire one of these former caribbean olympians and eat.